Wednesday, April 29, 2009
This is my final "living" day in Austin. I leave in the morning loaded for bear for Louisiana. I close on the Louisana house on Friday, May 1st.
The spousal-unit remains here in Austin to work with the movers to load Friday, May 1st, and to head east to Louisiana on Saturday, May 2nd.
We will both be returning to Austin for a VERY short trip near the end of May. There is likely to be a final trailer run of "yard-art" and the Harley to be made.
My internet in Louisiana is not likely to be available until Monday, May 4th. You probably won't hear from me until at LEAST then... and likely later. Bear with me. I'll get things moving on this blog again after I can find my toothbrush and a clean pair of delicates. :)
Until then...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The spousal-unit got the 17' U-Haul loaded with the assistance of "The Boy" as we call him (Ron's son). Ron then got on the road this morning (Tuesday the 21st) about 9:45 a.m. After six and a half hours with no shocks, manual windows, and no cruise control, he finally arrived at the aunt's house.
Thank God for Debbie's husband and two of her three boys (Debbie is my aunt's primary caregiver and was with my mother for the 10 months she was in bed before she passed away) who were willing to show up on a beautiful afternoon to help offload the truck into my aunt's garage!! They worked like Trojans and between all of us, the truck was unloaded in short order... probably about an hour and a half. If it had been just Ron and me, we would still be working and it would be tomorrow morning about 3:00 a.m. before it was done!! THANK YOU, JOHNSON MEN!!! :)
In case you don't believe me, here is the proof-positive:
Ever wonder how much "stuff" you really have? Does it frighten you that this one truckload is only the beginning? Do you think maybe you should move more often to avoid having the time to collect so much "stuff?" If the answer to all of these is "YES!", you know exactly how I am feeling right now.
I'm going to take several Aleve (I should buy stock in that company!) and NOT think about the fact this is all going to have to be loaded BACK up (probably in smaller loads in the Avalanche and the 'Burb), toted to another house, and unloaded AGAIN! That's a week away and I am only able to bite off a day or two at a time these days!!
Stay tuned. I'm sure I will provide you with WAY too much information about this move. But hey! It's what I do!! :)
Until next post...
Monday, April 20, 2009
So... the Sellers of the house we are buying here have been SO very kind. They are lovely people and have provided tons of information, names and phone numbers of service providers, just everything we need to get things up & running smoothly. Now, if only the process working with those providers was as smooth as getting the information!!
This morning I began calling the utility companies to get services set up for May 1st. Here are my (very condensed) experiences with each. (Skip to the end if you aren't ready for dripping sarcasm!)
1) Natural Gas. Call the toll-free number. Get a young lady who asks for name, service address, then Social Security number. Ask her why she needs Social? They run credit. Apparently if one is "credit-worthy", one can avoid some unnamed deposit. I am apparently credit-worthy and service will be in my name on May 1st. Of course, there will be a $31 service fee on the first bill. Wonder what that is for? Well, at least it's not a deposit!! Thank you. (Gee, that was pretty simple! Hope the rest go so well!)
2) Electric. Call the toll-free number. Get a young lady asking for name, service address, and Social who also inquired if I had had service with them previously. No. I figure they check credit, also, so provide Social. She then describes the first bill which will contain a $100 deposit plus a $20 connection fee (wonder what the hell they will actually connect?). Surprised, I mention the Gas Company did not require a deposit after running my credit. Oh... they don't run credit at the electric company. Well then... what the HELL did you need my Social for? Oh... they check their database to see if I have had previous service with them. Well then... why the HELL did you ask me if I had had previous service if you consider me a liar right off the bat?!?!?! Oh, and while you are at it, this order won't be placed until you call for your 911 Permit. HUH? What is THAT? Okay. So I called the local number she provided, talked to another young lady who apparently just changed the owner name of the house in her 911 Service database and who asked me to call them back once I had a home phone number so they could add that. Right. Look for my call. Are you going to notify the electric company to release the order so I can have service?!?!? Yes. Okay.
(Blood Pressure has begun rising by this point.)
3) The real fun begins. Welcome to the water/sewer/garbage department which is city-owned and operated. The very nice young lady there advises I must go to the department IN PERSON, provide an ID, and pay a $50 deposit (which, by the way, I will never see again unless I happen to move out of the city in my lifetime). My question: What if I am not IN your city at this time (which I was... I was just curious!) and will not be until my closing date?!? Oh... no problem. We can get your service turned on that same afternoon if you are in our office before 2:30 p.m. SWELL!! Whatever. So, after showering and dressing as an adult, I trot my bottom right on down to City Hall (where the water department is located) to complete the transaction. I will be needing water, after all. The young lady at the window completes about four lines of a form (my name, service address, turn-on date, and something else I can't recall), fills in three blanks at the lower right of the same form (deposit $40, something fee $10, total $50), and tells me we're done! YAY!! That was easy!! NOT!! Well, we're not REALLY done until she gets the $50. I have a debit card. No problem... except they do NOT ACCEPT DEBIT AND/OR CREDIT CARDS at the water department!!! WHAT?!?!?!? You're kidding me!!! Nope. They do not have "the equipment" to do so (and I bit my tongue to keep from asking if it were physical or mental equipment she was referring to!). There is a bank ATM across the way. Yes, I am aware of that. I pull cash from my billfold, throw two $20s and a $10 through the window, and stand waiting for my receipt. (Remember... the form completed is merely an order form.) She looks at me like a deer already hit by the headlights wondering what is coming next. I tell her I am waiting for my receipt. She tells me the form is my receipt. I tell her there is NOTHING on that form indicating payment has been received and, since I had just handed over $50 in cash, I wanted a receipt. She stood stunned... tased by the thought of something no one ever requests. I felt sorry for her at that point and told her she could just write "Paid Cash" on the form along with her signature or even just initials! She did that, appearing now more like a Stepford Wife than ever. Poor thing. I hope she was able to work the rest of the day. It is doubtful.
4) Cable/Internet/Phone. So, I checked this out online before calling the toll-free number. Thought I was pretty well prepared. Uh-Uh. Get a rep on the phone who begins telling me about offers that do not correlate to the offers I am viewing online for this service area. Decide to not throw him like the water lady and just asked if I could set up service to be provided as of May 1st. Checking the service address, he advises he cannot as the current owners have yet to call in a disconnect. He did put me on hold and call them to ask them to submit a disconnect request for the future date but they did not answer so we were still unable to accomplish anything. I decided to go to the local office (yes, Virginia, there is an actual local office) to chat with a "live" person about my options, the process, etc. I arrived about 1:15 p.m. to find that the local office closes between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm daily. Sigh. I'll wait in the parking lot. When we finally were allowed in (there were others waiting in the parking lot with me), I spoke with a very nice young man who took all of my information, confirmed that a disconnect request had been placed, and who assured me he will set the order on his calendar to handle on 4/29 which should allow scheduling for May 1st to "install" the phone service. (The current owners have only internet service with them.) Okay. I'm going to just take that on faith. Wonder when I will actually have cable/internet/phone service at my new address? Any bets?
Lord help us. I called the spousal-unit who is my grounding mechanism. His words of wisdom: "Remember where you are." He is so right. I am so accustomed to the "city" ways, I get thrown when things are handled in the "little town" way. I have to remember. I will click my ruby-red slipper heels together each time I am called upon to do any business here and say "I want to go to a city... I want to go to a city." Sigh.
Well, that's it for today. I'm worn out and probably need a nap!! The Utility Dance has been far too difficult for me and I am exhausted. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and everything will be in place and working properly. Yeah. That's it. I can dream, right?
Until next post...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My apologies for the delay between posts. It has been crazy-busy over here in Louisiana (and I'm sure for the spousal-unit in Texas!). Let me catch you up.
The house we are purchasing here was listed on April 1st. (Hope that doesn't mean anything "foolish" about purchasing it!) We submitted our offer on April 7th, were countered, and reached agreement that same evening. Crazy, huh? Anyway... that was the beginning of my immersion in Louisiana real estate processes.
I assumed (you know what THAT does!) the inspection could be done within 2-3 days. WRONG! The inspection was scheduled for one week later on April 14th. Good thing we submitted a 10-day inspection period in the offer!! The Property Disclosure (as opposed to the Sellers Disclosure in Texas... but they are essentially the same) indicated no termites but that there was a termite contract in place. My broker here thought that odd enough to investigate so he ended up booking me a termite inspection... which was negative. Whew!! The mechanical inspection was interesting as the inspector was very good at his job but the homeowners were there. The homeowner was not pleased when some things were pointed out... although there was nothing major except for the HVAC system... and the inspector was really just doing his job. It was kinda' funny. They had told me the inspection would occur at 1:00 p.m. but I was to show up at 3:30 p.m. to pay for it! HUH?!?!?!?!? Oh NO, you're wrong!! This crazy old Texas Realtor is going to BE THERE!! It all worked out just fine. The house really is in excellent shape for a 1976 (or 1974?) model and the entire HVAC system is going to be replaced before our move-in.
Okay. So after the inspection was done, I signed a form "demanding" the Sellers remedy the HVAC situation (we had already discussed it and reached an agreement but the paperwork still had to be done!). The Sellers signed it. Then, I had to sign the signed form confirming that I had received the signed form signed by the Sellers who had agreed to my signed demand!! HAHAHAHA!! Did I lose you on that one? I have no idea what that was all about... but there are a bunch of signatures on this lone 2-page form! Oh... and the brokers had to sign a few times, too. LOL!!
While all of this silliness was going on, I visited my local insurance company's representative's office here to discuss obtaining a new Homeowner's policy as well as transferring some of my coverages from Texas. (Some will remain there since one vehicle is garaged in Kimble County, Texas.) Folks... the property taxes here are nominal compared to Texas... but the insurance is KILLER!! Guess it's all those hurricanes that keep showing up. Anyway... there is actually a separate hurricane deductible on homeowner policies here. Interesting. So, I bit the bullet knowing that my property tax bill had been cut by nearly 86% even while my home insurance increased by nearly 50%. Since the insurance policy is much less to begin with, I figure I'm still coming out ahead.
Whew!! So, we are moving toward a May 1st closing. The spousal-unit is heading over here on the 21st with a U-Haul truck full of whatever he can cram in it to be unloaded into my aunt's garage for short-term storage. He will make a couple of legal runs with me on the 22nd then we will both return to Austin in the 'Burb on the 23rd. That's when the real craziness will begin. I will try to get everything possible done before I leave Austin again on the 30th for Louisiana. I will arrive that Thursday afternoon in time to meet my broker on the morning of May 1st for a quick walk-through, then to the bank for a Cashier's Check, then to my closing (called "Act of Sale" here!) at 11:00 a.m. That should go quickly and smoothly. I will then receive my new house key, return to my aunt's place to retrieve her and take her over to see the place. I think she is excited about that part.
Okay. Now you have the project plan Critical Path. Promise I won't tell you any more about it. I'm sure that's more than you wanted to know anyway. However, if you know someone looking to buy a place in Oak Hill in Austin, let me know!
Finally, I went plant nursery hopping (2 very small nurseries!) last Wednesday. Could not help myself when I found heirloom tomato plants. Bought five (actually, bought four and the lady gave me one "free" plant!) to plant at my aunt's place in pots. There are two Cherokee Purple plants (if you have not tried this tomato, you have not lived!), one Zebra, one Pineapple, and one Brandywine. Here is their "group" photo.
Until the next post!! (And I can't tell you when that might be!)
Monday, April 13, 2009
THE FOG BLOG!! (Scary music here)
I am aware that there is the occasional fog in Austin. It may roll in, hang out for a bit, then roll right back out again as soon as the sun begins rising.
Not so in Louisiana. When there is fog down here, there is SERIOUS fog! This stuff showed up late in the afternoon Sunday after the big crazy thunderstorms rolled through. It was sitting in the lower spots, waiting for nightfall and the opportunity to stretch its haze further and further. It succeeded. By morning, the stuff covered up most lots on my aunt's street as I began my morning walk at 7:00 a.m. This is what greeted me.I was thinking about a large lot about 3 blocks down the road where there are some lovely old pecan trees and a couple of killer oak trees set back off of the street. I was hoping the fog would provide an excellent photo opp and was not disappointed.
Hope you all have a lovely week.
Until next time...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Alright. So, what is "Bitty", "Biddie", or "Biddy?" I don't know how it's spelled... didn't ask... but I do know it's awfully cute!
Yes, that wonderful dog-rescuing neighbor, Susan L., has this little girl until tomorrow. Tomorrow, she goes to PetSmart in Alexandria, La., and is probably going to get snapped right up into a loving home. She is REALLY cute and sweet and loves giving kisses! I had been holding her in my lap, got covered up with kisses, then let her down on the floor. She went STRAIGHT over to my aunt's chair, put her paws up on the chair, and just couldn't stand it until we lifted her up into my aunt's lap. This is the picture I snapped just after that. That little ol' weiner dog was just a lover. We all enjoyed the visit.
So, things in Louisiana continue to move along. The appraiser was out at the soon-to-be purchased house yesterday (Thursday, the 9th). The inspection is scheduled for next Tuesday, the 14th. It's all a little convoluted... but understand that it took a WEEK to get the inspection scheduled!! Good thing we had a 10-day inspection period! Yikes! And... getting an appraisal before the inspection report is NOT something I would EVER recommend to one of my clients (why pay for an appraisal if you have inspection issues and can't reach agreement with the sellers?)!! It's crazy, folks. I just keep shaking my head in disbelief and praying that this whole thing works itself out. I am keeping the faith that it will.
The Ron-Man (spousal unit) is being the best. He has been putting up with my commuting since September. Now he is diligently packing, meeting with the flooring guy, scheduling with my moving team, and figuring out how to get himself, a Harley, 2 cats (who have never traveled further than the vet's office but are facing a 6-hour drive!), and a house full of "stuff" over here in 3 weeks. Yep. I am DEFINITELY keeping that man!! The logistics don't seem to daunt him at all. I don't get it... but I don't care as long as he stays mellow and keeps me sane! :)
That's it for now. Wanted to share the new "pooch" photo with you all. Will try to NOT bore you with too much information on the real estate transacting... but it is definitely interesting in this state!
Until the next post...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Well, most of you know this state-to-state "commute" has been going on since September. That puts me in Month #8 with no real end in sight. While my aunt is doing well (thank you for asking!), she has not regained mobility so the 24/7 care continues. That means a need for monitoring of that care (although the ladies who help us are SAINTS with many many stars in their crowns!) as well as handling of the household. Those things are why I continue the commute.
So... at the point in life when I have little patience and even less willingness to be without my spouse, cats, and bed, there have been long (over days... not just hours), agonizing conversations about "next steps." That "next step" has finally been determined to be a relocation from my beloved, adopted Austin, Texas to the only other place I have lived, DeRidder, Louisiana. I was in DeRidder from age 4 months until my departure to Austin at the tender age of 18 years, 6 months. Austin has been my "grown-up home" ever since. While I left Louisiana with NO expectation of EVER returning, things apparently have worked out differently.
The house search began a short while ago and has culminated in an offer, counteroffer, and final acceptance. We are now beginning the inspection period (option period to those of you in Texas), the ordering of an appraisal, and a very quick run toward a May 1st closing date. That's all I know for now and my brain is beginning to shut down. It has been an intense 5 days.
Stay tuned. I will regale you all with my real estate experience in Louisiana. It has definitely been interesting to this point. It's hard for me, as a Realtor, to switch gears from Realtor to Buyer-Client!!! Lord help the poor man who is working with me here.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time...