Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My apology for the delay in posts. I have been busy with some things that didn't leave me time to sit and ponder what you might find of interest.
So... a few comments as the adventure in southwest Louisiana continues.
Recycling is not really something that is actively pursued here. Many of you in Austin are aware you put your recycles out (single-stream) alongside your garbage bin and the city comes along and empties it. "Single-stream", for those of you who are not familiar with the term, means you have ONE big bin into which you deposit ALL recyclable items... glass, metal (cans, etc.), plastics, paper, etc. In other words, if the city recycles it (and Austin recycles quite a bit these days), you can dump it all into the city-provided bin. Between the recycling program in Austin and my two compost bins in the back yard, we rarely filled up an actual garbage bin!! The only "recycling" I have found here is the WalMart and the local grocer providing a place to return one's plastic bags for recycling. That's it. There is no effort to recycle on the part of the town. I continue to have a hard time placing items I was able to recycle in Texas into the garbage can to go into a Louisiana landfill. I don't have a choice.
A Farmer's Market is always of interest in my world. I pretty faithfully attended the Sunset Valley Farmer's Market in Austin every Saturday morning for a long time. I had almost a "standing order" with my lettuce lady and my mushroom man and was always on the lookout for other offerings that were of interest. It was a large market with not only produce but interesting handmade items by local artists. There was nearly always something to see. I looked forward to it. I noticed a "Farmer's Market" sign in my new environment at each end of one of the two downtown blocks. It obviously was set up to slide from "closed" to "open" so folks would know. Good idea! There is a pavilion there so I figured it might not be large but it certainly would be worth a visit. Homegrown produce is always worth the trip! I have never found any specific information about it so could only assume it would at LEAST be open on a Saturday morning... right? Oops. There I go with my assumptions again. I got up one Saturday, had my coffee, got dressed, and headed downtown looking forward to checking out the local Farmer's Market. As I approached the site, there was NO ONE there. The place was absolutely dead. The sign showed "closed." Sigh. Foiled again. (Since then, I have discovered that the local sellers sort of show up whenever it makes sense to them and move the signage from "closed" to "open" while they are there. There is no specific day or time to set my schedule by.) Have I made it by when it was open yet? Nope.
Finally, there is one more comment about differences. The former owners of the house we now own had left quite a few items that we would like to dispose of but that are not accepted by the garbage workers. (I set out a non-functional trash can with writing on it to advise it was intended as TRASH itself. It was still there when I went to retrieve the functioning empty garbage bin.) There are other items so we called the city to determine where the local dump was located. (There was a local dump when I grew up here.) The city worker advised there was no city dump. I suggested to the spousal-unit (who was making the calls) that he contact the Parish. He did so and the Parish worker advised there was no Parish dump. Strike Two. He asked this individual WHO might have information about a location where items could be taken that the garbage guys would not retrieve? He was sent to the contracted trash pickup folks. A third call answered the question. The contractor has a location near the entrance to Fort Polk (about a 30 minute drive from here) where they will accept items you wish to bring in. There was no discussion about whether there was a charge to take them in. We have also been made aware there is a "bulk pickup" taking place twice a year. We apparently have not hit the first one since our arrival. We may just hold off for that.
The update is about my credit card dispute of Yahoo!'s charging of my card without my knowledge or permission. The last I had submitted to the credit card company was a little over a month ago. I received a letter from the credit card company last week advising they were "blocking" (guess that means "killing") my card and I shouldn't use it. I haven't used it in over a year so there was no real danger there. No problem. Suddenly, I receive a credit card bill in the mail with a $10 charge for an "additional or replacement card." Huh? First of all, I didn't GET a card. Secondly, I didn't ASK for a card. Thirdly... ah heck... I'll just call them. So I did. I actually was VERY pleased with the customer service I received. I spoke with a nice young lady, explained the situation, and asked her to determine if/when a "replacement" card had been sent as I had not received it and I asked why it was even sent since I did not request it. She checked on the whole thing, told me she would waive the $10 charge (but to call her back if I did not get the replacement card!), and advised that my dispute was in some limbo called "supervisory" something-or-other under review. Uh... okay. I asked what kind of timeline I should expect to get a resolution? Not sure. The process apparently "takes a long time." Uh... okay. I'll just mark my calendar and keep checking in about once a month. How's that? Fine. No problem.
I will continue to try to adapt and will continue to fight previous battles with vigor. :) Wish me luck!!
Until next time...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I cannot begin to tell you all how incredibly excited I am about the situation right here in my very own neighborhood!
Now let me preface this post with some tidbits of information for you. I am no stranger to brushes with fame.
I was on a hotel elevator in New York in 1970 with my grandmother. She was taking me on a trip to Europe (along with my local pal, Susan S. and HER grandmother!) and we were leaving New York the next day. The elevator stopped and Doc Severinsen got on with us!! I was all of 16 years old at the time and just thought I had died and gone to Heaven! A celebrity. Right there with us on the elevator. Sigh.
On that very same trip, we were in the lobby of our hotel in Venice, Italy when Perry Mason himself (!) came walking through the door. Yep. Raymond Burr walked right through the lobby and was VERY kind to the two spinster sisters who were traveling with our group who leapt through the air with the greatest of ease to approach Mr. Burr and fawn over him. He was quite gracious and I'm sure they told that story many times over the years following.
My celebrity brushes abruptly quit for some time after that. While I am not really enamored with celebrity and definitely would not go out of my way to FIND a celebrity, I did occasionally wonder if, while living in Austin, I might accidentally brush up against fame. There are a number of celebrities residing there, after all.
Then I was spending a little shopping time at my favorite Chico's store at 6th Street and Lamar in downtown Austin. I was in a changing stall and heard a distinct "buzz" going through the store outside the wall. I finished my change and stepped out to see how things looked in the giant wall mirror just outside the changing stalls. As I was determining whether or not I could hide enough in that particular outfit, Sissy Spacek walked out of a stall door to view her potential outfit in the same wall mirror. As we stood and viewed ourselves, I determined to take this opportunity to actually SAY something! (I was too young and too unsure of what to say when my previous brushes with celebrity had presented themselves!) After all, I had seen a number of Ms. Spacek's films and I really did have respect for her as an actor. I looked at her and commented, "I don't want to bother you but I do want to tell you I have really enjoyed your body of work over the years." That was all I wanted to get out and I expected nothing from it. She looked directly at me, smiled a big ol' smile that threatened her very tiny frame, and said, "Well, THANK Yewwwwwwwwwwwwww" with that incredibly West Texas accent that turned "you" into a magical, multisyllabic, musical moment. :) I was so glad I had said something.
Oops! I digress. Okay. Here is the neighbor news.
This past Friday evening, the spousal-unit and I decided we would eat out rather than cook in. We don't do that terribly often but we were just being lazy. As we exited the driveway, I noticed a neighbor's house that is across the street and one house north of ours had what appeared to be a sign out front. Now, I KNOW who this neighbor is and I KNOW she is not planning to sell the house nor has she had any work done that a provider might want to acknowledge with signage in her front yard. I could not imagine what the sign might say. When we were directly in front of the house, it was very clear then what honor had befallen her. This signage has moved my lovely neighbor, Marty, to a level of fame unparalleled in this town except by those who have been so honored in the past! One of Marty's and my mutual friends, Faux Auntie Jo to me, was so enthralled by this event, she called while we were out dining to inform me that the signage had gone up and to tell me that SIX (count them, SIX!) Gardenettes were in attendance when the photo for the local newspaper was taken!!! Well... I guess I should show you what I'm talking about since some of you probably don't have exposure to this kind of fame where you are.
In all fairness, I want you to take a look at this lovely front yard with lavender crepe myrtles blooming, maroonish loropetalum shrubs mingled with other green shrubs, and the amazing variety of white/green, pink/green, and other caladiums that are edging the front walk. After blazingly hot temperatures and a serious lack of June rainfall, this yard is an oasis in the neighborhood... heck... in the whole TOWN! (And no, those aren't tire tracks running across the front yard... they are shadows from the wires on the utility poles along the street.)
So... all I can report to you, dear Blogging Buddies, is that sometimes fame is right there in front of you. Quit looking for those plain old celebrities who really have nothing to offer other than their charm and good looks. They are a dime a dozen, I tell you!! Watch for those secret celebrities who are in front of your nose. They are the ones who will bring you joy.
Now... although I had planned to end this post here, I was rummaging through the local Sunday paper in the event the "official" photo had made it into today's paper. It had not although the scanned item below did catch my eye. Ya' just gotta' love it, don'tcha?!?!?!?!?!? It made me laugh and I hope it brings the same to you.The caption reads:
"This sign appeared on North Pine street. Apparently, the person who put up the sign was forced to amend it after the first version caused some question in the mind of readers."
Until next time...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
As you know by now, I am seeking employment opportunities here in southwest Louisiana. While there are a number of opportunities, I am having a bit of difficulty finding something for which I am an appropriate match. (I have decided that Body Guard is not really my calling for various reasons.)
So... I thought you might appreciate a little tale here about one of my recent online application endeavors.
I located a position for which I had all but one qualification (which wasn't something that would really take me more than about an afternoon to completely grasp). I carefully put together the information required by the system in order to submit my resume' online. I reviewed the posting to make certain I wasn't missing anything (like a certification I didn't have?) and, sure enough, I was fine. At approximately 10:30ish a.m. on Wednesday, July 8, 2009, I pushed "send" and submitted my information for review.
At approximately 11:09 a.m. (per the server timestamp) on Wednesday, July 8, 2009, I received the following email:
"Dear Mary Condren: Thank you for your interest in the position of (position deleted). After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected to interview for this position."
Now... the email went further advising my "profile" would remain in the system, I was encouraged to explore other positions matching my skills & interests, yadda-yadda-yadda.
Finally, the email ended with "We thank you again for your interest and wish you all the best in your career."
Okay. This was the fastest rejection of which I have ever been at the receiving end. That really didn't bother me a lot. I don't take rejection personally. There were, however, two things about that rejection email that truly DID bother me. (Those of you who know me well understand my penchant for proper wording and literal translations!)
1) "After careful consideration..." - Who are they kidding?!? Exactly what gnome do they have sitting at the computer anxiously awaiting a resume', any resume', to pop onto the screen to spend agonizing amounts of time "considering" it?!? LOL!!! C'mon. I might have taken this line a bit more seriously had the time lapse between my sending my resume' and my receiving the rejection been slightly more than... oh... let's see... 39 minutes? Perhaps the gnome really does work that quickly! Perhaps the gnome simply had nothing else to do that day! Perhaps the gnome was in a foul mood that morning because of reasons I don't want to explore! (It is a gnome, Blogging Pals!) None of this truly matters. I just really don't appreciate my intelligence being so rudely insulted. :)
2) "... wish you all the best in your career." - Another little tidbit I just can't quite wrap my head around. Okay... let's review. (a) I have applied for a position with your firm. (b) I need a job. (c) At this time, I could hardly state I have a "career." (d) Even if I AM presently employed (which I am not), why would you wish me the best in a career I am clearly not interested in... thus my application with you? (e) Did the gnome put you up to this?!?!?!?
Alright. I'm done. A little soapboxing for the day. I reckon I have to laugh to keep from crying.
Hope all is well with every one of you and yours. Until the next post...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It appears after two re-readings of my water meter (don't ask... I don't know!), the fine city Water Department believed my "accurate" balance to be $65.82... which still seems excessive to me... but what do I know? I was advised to pay the $65.82 and that would square things although I never could get the information on what DATE the re-read was that was being used and IF the "present" reading shown on the NEW bill was accurate? (Did finally determine that to be the case.)
Now then... that was one less thing I needed to be concerned about as I continue to seek employment and hope the Austin house sells soon!
Do you ever look at something from the "other" side, though? I couldn't help but chuckle a little when I thought about the auditor hired to audit the Water Department's books. :) Pretty boring stuff, for the most part, right? Can you picture the moment when the auditor's eyes happen to light upon the $32,586.72 CREDIT issued on my account? You know that, just for the very briefest moment, the auditor's eyes gleamed with the anticipation of busting some wild & crazy money-making scheme going on right here in downtown DeRidder!! LOL!! It probably only lasted a nanosecond before the auditor realized what had happened and had to pass over that adjustment as simply an error in billing. Sigh. Poor auditor.
Just wanted to provide that update for you. Things remain VERY hot here although we have had some rain relief this past week. Grateful for that, I assure you!! Hope the weather where you are is PERFECT!!! :)
Until next time...