Hello again, Blogging Pals! Welcome back!
I am now behind on posts. I have fodder for too many sitting on my desk. Let's get a little closer to caught up today, shall we?
On Saturday, November 7
th, there were 3 events I attended. You have already read about the Methodist Bazaar. You won't read about the Open House at Zachary's (a gift shop) although I enjoyed it. The third event we will visit today. It was a Fly-In/Drive-In at the local airport.
We started by driving onto the airport grounds (about 1/2 mile from the house!).

Note that the Beauregard Regional Airport is at an elevation of 203' and operates on frequency 122.8 in case you should wish to fly in some day.

The spousal-unit is a licensed private pilot so you will note FAR more photos of airplanes than automobiles but the following are just a sampling of what was actually out there. I believe about 50 airplanes were flown in from different areas. There were probably about 25-30 automobiles. I hope you can enjoy the photos.
Stearman twins were fabulous to see!!

I wasn't sure about this one until the spousal-unit explained it is an amphibious plane. (Makes sense with all the darned water in this state!) The props push the plane through the air rather than pulling it which is how most planes operate. The best part? You can land it on the water, pop the canopy, walk out on the wing, do your fishing, then head home!

Most of the planes were single-engine, two-
seater types with some exceptions. If you have a crowd to move, this one would come in handy!

Now I know some of you are going to have a field-day with this one!! Yes, it does kinda' look like a Redneck Monster Truck with wings! That is not exactly accurate, however. This is a pontoon plane... another flying machine capable of landing and taking off on the water. Does it really HAVE to be that high in the air before it ever leaves the ground? Well... I don't know. But it makes for good humor!

Then there were just a couple of really good-looking planes. It's kind of like house-shopping. While the guys are typically evaluating the structural soundness and mechanical worthiness, I am generally looking at the aesthetics. Sigh. So shoot me. I can't help it. I will pay attention to the OTHER things but only AFTER the aesthetics have wowed me! These would meet that criterion!

Finally, a plane of beauty. A plane that was an integral part of providing us with the freedom we enjoy today. A plane that many fine airmen of WWII flew with a purpose. If you haven't figured it out, I love the WWII planes more than anything else.

Okay. Enough planes (although I have as many more photos as what you have viewed with me today!). For those of you less thrilled with winged flight, I have chosen two of my favorite automobiles that were at the show.
Note the
LSU Tiger head on the grille of this 1929 model!! :)

And... one of my "muscle car" favorites... a 1969 Chevrolet
Chevelle SS396. They don't sound like THAT anymore!!!

Alright. Enough. I have gone on too long!! I hope you enjoyed this little tour of a very nice event. And, if you're interested, the airport we visited was the
Beauregard Army Air Base during WWII. While
Wikipedia shows it as
DeRidder Army Airbase, the correct name was Beauregard Army Air Base.
Thanks for dropping by! I love hearing from you!
Until next time...