Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies! It appears I have been remiss (again) and did not post at all during the month of March!
While I have no real excuse, I ask your forgiveness. This post is to provide you with some of the fun we experienced at the Jasper (TX) Air Show the weekend of March 16/17. Unfortunately, the T-6 Texan aircraft I mentioned previously cancelled its appearance so there was no exciting ride to share with you this year. There was still plenty of fun to be had so take a peek!!
When we arrived, there were plenty of displays to see.
An A-7D Corsair II cockpit tour and photo was available. We watched a couple of kids get "suited up" and climb aboard. While it's not a ride, it does expose the young'uns to a little bit of history.
There was a section of RC (Remote Controlled) airplanes that looked like a little airport all its own!! We watched some of the owners flying these little guys and it was great fun. They were very fast and very aerobatic.
There were a number of planes there that were strictly on display and not flown during the show although they obviously fly as they flew in and would fly out when the show was over. A couple of these caught my eye.
There were a couple of Birddogs there including one owned by my Stearman pal, Mr. Bonnie Lee "Swamp" Smith.
At Noon, the actual flying portion of the day began. We were treated to a lot of excellent aerobatics. A few of the acts we saw...
A little Acrostar mini jet, used when filming a James Bond movie, just raced through the sky!! It screamed when flying by and was incredibly maneuverable.
There was a gentleman who did things with his bi-plane that you just couldn't believe!! Flying straight and low is one thing. Flying with the nose pointed at the sky and the tail nearly brushing the ground... well, that's just amazing!
Do NOT miss going to this link to read about Gene Soucy and his wife, Teresa Stokes, who together flew a wingwalker show!!! It was insane. Even knowing she was firmly attached to the plane did not change the amazement as the plane went through all manner of aerobatics with her standing (attached) on the TOP of the plane!! Yikes!! He has been flying airshows since 1968 so we aren't talking about a 25-year-old with a need for speed!! Check it out!
Is she still on top? Oh YES... she IS!!! |
Back on the ground receiving due applause! |
I still have a few more photos but will share them with you in another post. I hope you are encouraged to attend an airshow whenever you have the opportunity... even if it's a small one in a small place. It can be a lot of fun for the whole family!
Until next post...