Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!
Well, this is a mish-mash of stuff for your viewing. The title, however, is based on the really stupid things people with a high blood-alcohol level do for fun. More on that later.
A couple of items that caught my eye on walks.
If you have not yet been introduced to "Chef John" over at FoodWishes.com, I encourage you to check him out. He has wonderfully humorous (and yummy!) recipe videos on YouTube. I have tried a couple of his recipes but one of the best is the "Easy Homemade Pie Crust" filled with his Apple Pie filling recipe. Check it out! (I DO have the nutritional information but let's not discuss that here.)
Alrighty! Ready for a little "Dumb and Dumber?" Of course you are.
So... on a Wednesday evening, a couple of brothers apparently thought a little bar-hopping (or at-home celebration?) was in order. After tanking up to a level of inebriation that is not allowed by law in conjunction with driving, they took off in the trusty pick-up truck. Oh yeah. That is the "Woo-Hoo!" part of this story. A video camera trained on a locked gate recorded them ramming said gate a few times in an attempt to enter the property. That didn't work. They drove about and managed to drive out onto an airport runway. Fortunately, we aren't talking about DFW or O'Hare here. :) Oh... and this is in a 1:00 a.m.+ time frame so we are early Thursday morning now.
What followed is open to interpretation but here are the facts... and photos.
Fact: Pick-up headed northbound on runway.
Fact: Pick-up brakes never applied.
Fact: Pick-up rammed into a "locator" at north end of runway.
Fact: Pick-up continued THROUGH the "locator", dragging a good portion of the equipment along with it, "flew" across a small drainage area, and finally "touched down" on the other side, creating substantial ruts in the grass with the tires.
Fact: One of the brothers called the police. (Is this really wise considering your condition and what you have just done?)
Fact: Police had both taken to E.R. to be checked out. Upon their release from the E.R. (only one had a minor "scrape" across one side of his face), both went directly to jail. They did not pass GO. They did not collect $200.
I think the pictures will tell you all else you need to know. I have nothing further to tell. Don't know the total damage to the pick-up... but the "locator" damage is going to likely run about $100K. This, clearly, is the "Oops!!" part of the tale.
Why was no one decapitated in this alcohol-induced incident? All I can point to is that whole thing about Drunks and Babies. Look closely at the last photo for the tire ruts in the grass out past the pavement.
Some days you just have to wonder.
Until next post, have a terrific (and safe!) holiday season.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!
I know there will be plenty of Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade to go around. I reckon there will be plenty of "things to be thankful for" that you can read at leisure. I'm just going to point out that the little things can certainly be worth a thanks, too!
Without further ado... random things...
A lovely pair of fowl happened upon at a very unlikely place! Expect the unexpected.

Some more fowl hanging out at the golf course pond one frosty morning. Big flock of Canadian Geese!

So... in the window of a "Stop & Rob" in a nearby town, I saw this signage. Made me think of ALL of the places an absent "H" would change the meaning! A few: "Hare" becomes "Are." "Shoot" becomes "Soot." "Char" becomes "Car." You get the picture.

Always a few nature moments on my morning walks. Recent ones.

Finally, I gotta' tell you that household items are becoming more and more technological. While some of the technology makes perfect sense and can be considered extremely helpful/useful, I have to state there are certain things that just make me laugh. WHHHAAAAAAATTT?????

Oh my. Some things are just inexplicable. I'm certain there will be those who purchase.
At any rate... I am thankful for the "little things" this year. Those that make me smile. Those that make me ponder. Those that accomplish both. And especially those that make me laugh out loud.
Enjoy your weekend. I hope you see something to smile about!!
Until next post...
Monday, November 17, 2014
Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies. You know this one is going to be quite the rant. Delete this or exit the browser if you aren't ready to listen to it!! :)
Alright. The spousal-unit & I have been carrying our own personal health insurance for the past six years. We have had a "catastrophic" policy in place as we rarely go to the doctor. This type of policy was designed to help pay for MAJOR costs in the event of an accident or a long-term illness. The premiums weren't great... but they were doable. Yes, they increased each year by a small amount but they were still doable.
Let me clarify. This policy has paid NOTHING, Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nein... pick a term you like. We have had doctor appointments, some tests, dental, & vision care over the past 6 years. WE have paid for all services and medications IN FULL!!!
Enter the (incorrectly named) "Affordable Care Act", or ACA, frequently referred to as Obamacare.
September 13, 2013. Letter from insurer (BC/BS) advising that the ACA will take effect for my policy in July of 2014 unless I choose to change my renewal date to December of 2013 (which will push the inevitable back by five months since I won't renew again until December of 2014). I sign to change the anniversary month to December and note a premium increase of $10.03 will begin in December of 2013. I'm fine with that.
August 18, 2014. Letter from insurer (BC/BS) that sent my typically-low blood pressure skyrocketing. Three pages of garbage that essentially said:
1) You are paying $254.68/month now.
2) Your new ACA-compliant policy will cost you (wait for it...) $1,018.16/month. Yep. I did the math. That's a 400% increase, ladies and gentlemen. Oh... but it will cover a LOT of things your old policy doesn't... like pediatric vision and dental. (This might be a little comforting IF I HAD CHILDREN!)
3) By the way, without explaining the "how" of it, BC/BS offered me a little reprieve for a year. Calling my existing plan now my "transitional" plan (HUH?), I am advised I can continue it for $287.99/month (that 13% increase looks a lot better than 400%) until January 1, 2016 when I "will then be moved to an ACA-compliant plan..." Just need to sign this form & fax it back. Uh. Okay. Done.
Mid-October, 2014. Letter from insurer outlining a Summary of Benefits and Coverage. This looks suspiciously like the mega-dollar policy prompting a call to "Customer Service" where Tanisha explained she had no idea why I had received that letter but she showed me still on my "old" (now "transitional") policy at the December 2014 renewal. Sigh. Okay. Note to self: Be SURE to check the premium that is drafted for December.
Folks... there is a problem with the health care system, as it relates to both insurers and providers. I get that. I won't argue it. I have had multiple conversations with "customer care centers" over many years about claims, payments, etc. And this all took place while we were covered through one or the other of our workplaces' health insurance benefit! Good coverage. Low cost to us. Still not perfect.
There are a lot of approaches to "reforming" any type of environment. Some are a little too dramatic... like the ACA which was written by academics (never good when it's needed in a real-world environment!), passed by folks who never even read the first page (much less the THOUSANDS after it), and "fleshed out" by a bunch of bureaucrats, NONE of whom have to abide by the rules they put in place. Oh... that actually applies to the folks who passed it, too. Ask your Congressman/woman if they are bound by the terms, conditions, and rules of the ACA. Nope. Not at all. This is why most of them do NOT care about it. In fact, it has become just a slight annoyance to many of them. Other "reforms" can be worthless in the sense they don't really do anything at all. I am nearly certain, however, that people with good intentions who will sit and work together and think through all (including unintended) consequences of the terms they put in place will eventually find a middle ground that will benefit most without harming more than are helped.
I have spent the past several years volunteering some time at the local community clinic. The patients are working uninsured. The clinic is only open one afternoon a week and it is a first come-first served basis. It creates a need for a patient to arrive early and stay late. But let me tell you what they receive for their time. FREE assessment by nurses who volunteer their time. FREE visits with local doctors who volunteer their time. FREE medications filled by a local pharmacy owner who volunteers his own time and PAYS his employees to come do the work! My primary focus is to process the paperwork needed to obtain prescription medications through the Patient Assistance Programs that most of the pharmaceutical companies provide. I can tell you that many of the patients we serve have had ongoing medical issues for a very long time but have been unable to afford medical or prescription help. This little clinic has helped a lot of folks get on the path to wellness... or at least to feel better.
I have heard all of the reasons the current administration thinks Obamacare is needed and is successful. It is wrong. Is reform needed? Yes. Is Obamacare the answer. A resounding NO!
The mid-terms are over. The American voters have indicated by their ballots they want some changes. I would like to be hopeful... but all I can do right now is wait to see if the existing politicians "get it" and if the new politicians can actually push to correct the course of our government. I fear more posturing and finger-pointing with nothing accomplished. That will mean we are in no better shape than we were before. Sigh.
So... if you have not yet been impacted by Obamacare and you believe it is a "good" reform measure, I suggest you wait a while longer. If you are a working American with a good job and benefits, I'm afraid you are going to find things aren't so rosy down the road if Obamacare is not revised, at the very least, or trashed with a logical, well-thought-out new reform ready to take its place.
Time will tell. I just hope I can remain insured at some level until things make sense again. If not, I hope I can at least stay healthy!
Until next post...
Alright. The spousal-unit & I have been carrying our own personal health insurance for the past six years. We have had a "catastrophic" policy in place as we rarely go to the doctor. This type of policy was designed to help pay for MAJOR costs in the event of an accident or a long-term illness. The premiums weren't great... but they were doable. Yes, they increased each year by a small amount but they were still doable.
Let me clarify. This policy has paid NOTHING, Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nein... pick a term you like. We have had doctor appointments, some tests, dental, & vision care over the past 6 years. WE have paid for all services and medications IN FULL!!!
Enter the (incorrectly named) "Affordable Care Act", or ACA, frequently referred to as Obamacare.
September 13, 2013. Letter from insurer (BC/BS) advising that the ACA will take effect for my policy in July of 2014 unless I choose to change my renewal date to December of 2013 (which will push the inevitable back by five months since I won't renew again until December of 2014). I sign to change the anniversary month to December and note a premium increase of $10.03 will begin in December of 2013. I'm fine with that.
August 18, 2014. Letter from insurer (BC/BS) that sent my typically-low blood pressure skyrocketing. Three pages of garbage that essentially said:
1) You are paying $254.68/month now.
2) Your new ACA-compliant policy will cost you (wait for it...) $1,018.16/month. Yep. I did the math. That's a 400% increase, ladies and gentlemen. Oh... but it will cover a LOT of things your old policy doesn't... like pediatric vision and dental. (This might be a little comforting IF I HAD CHILDREN!)
3) By the way, without explaining the "how" of it, BC/BS offered me a little reprieve for a year. Calling my existing plan now my "transitional" plan (HUH?), I am advised I can continue it for $287.99/month (that 13% increase looks a lot better than 400%) until January 1, 2016 when I "will then be moved to an ACA-compliant plan..." Just need to sign this form & fax it back. Uh. Okay. Done.
Mid-October, 2014. Letter from insurer outlining a Summary of Benefits and Coverage. This looks suspiciously like the mega-dollar policy prompting a call to "Customer Service" where Tanisha explained she had no idea why I had received that letter but she showed me still on my "old" (now "transitional") policy at the December 2014 renewal. Sigh. Okay. Note to self: Be SURE to check the premium that is drafted for December.
Folks... there is a problem with the health care system, as it relates to both insurers and providers. I get that. I won't argue it. I have had multiple conversations with "customer care centers" over many years about claims, payments, etc. And this all took place while we were covered through one or the other of our workplaces' health insurance benefit! Good coverage. Low cost to us. Still not perfect.
There are a lot of approaches to "reforming" any type of environment. Some are a little too dramatic... like the ACA which was written by academics (never good when it's needed in a real-world environment!), passed by folks who never even read the first page (much less the THOUSANDS after it), and "fleshed out" by a bunch of bureaucrats, NONE of whom have to abide by the rules they put in place. Oh... that actually applies to the folks who passed it, too. Ask your Congressman/woman if they are bound by the terms, conditions, and rules of the ACA. Nope. Not at all. This is why most of them do NOT care about it. In fact, it has become just a slight annoyance to many of them. Other "reforms" can be worthless in the sense they don't really do anything at all. I am nearly certain, however, that people with good intentions who will sit and work together and think through all (including unintended) consequences of the terms they put in place will eventually find a middle ground that will benefit most without harming more than are helped.
I have spent the past several years volunteering some time at the local community clinic. The patients are working uninsured. The clinic is only open one afternoon a week and it is a first come-first served basis. It creates a need for a patient to arrive early and stay late. But let me tell you what they receive for their time. FREE assessment by nurses who volunteer their time. FREE visits with local doctors who volunteer their time. FREE medications filled by a local pharmacy owner who volunteers his own time and PAYS his employees to come do the work! My primary focus is to process the paperwork needed to obtain prescription medications through the Patient Assistance Programs that most of the pharmaceutical companies provide. I can tell you that many of the patients we serve have had ongoing medical issues for a very long time but have been unable to afford medical or prescription help. This little clinic has helped a lot of folks get on the path to wellness... or at least to feel better.
I have heard all of the reasons the current administration thinks Obamacare is needed and is successful. It is wrong. Is reform needed? Yes. Is Obamacare the answer. A resounding NO!
The mid-terms are over. The American voters have indicated by their ballots they want some changes. I would like to be hopeful... but all I can do right now is wait to see if the existing politicians "get it" and if the new politicians can actually push to correct the course of our government. I fear more posturing and finger-pointing with nothing accomplished. That will mean we are in no better shape than we were before. Sigh.
So... if you have not yet been impacted by Obamacare and you believe it is a "good" reform measure, I suggest you wait a while longer. If you are a working American with a good job and benefits, I'm afraid you are going to find things aren't so rosy down the road if Obamacare is not revised, at the very least, or trashed with a logical, well-thought-out new reform ready to take its place.
Time will tell. I just hope I can remain insured at some level until things make sense again. If not, I hope I can at least stay healthy!
Until next post...
Monday, October 6, 2014
It's finally October although you wouldn't know it by the weather yet. :( Maybe it will cool off a bit by the end of the month.
I made a short (sort of) road trip with my very excellent friend, Charlotte B. She has been to Marksville, LA on multiple occasions and had a need to go again. I offered to drive if she would navigate. I won't go into extensive detail here BUT let's just say that I made multiple turns per instruction that took us to places that were NOT on the list of those to which we planned to go!! LOL!! At the point I finally suggested I would just "find the way back" from a final and substantial navigational error, her comment to me was along the lines of "Well, I have always been directionally challenged!" REALLY?!? I nearly had to pull over to get over my laughing spell! I honestly should have figured it out early in the trip when she mentioned, "I don't really pay that much attention when I don't drive." Yep. She doesn't! :) But... it was still great fun and an adventure to a place I had never been. A few photos for you.
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Inside the Paragon Resort lobby |
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A few "residents" of the lobby's "swamp" |
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Thought they were happy to see us... until we noticed the ice chest. I think it's full of chicken!! |
During September, there were some very lovely morning skies as I walked. I wanted to share a few of them with you. Know that you can enjoy them, too!! Get out there!! :)
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The Moon setting, caught in a hole in the trees |
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The Sun is on its way |
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Takes a while to get through all those trees |
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Should be any minute now |
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There it is!! Good morning! |
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Great clouds can be seen once the Sun is up |
Until next post...
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!!
Well, against all odds and with a LOT of assistance from the spousal-unit (I am neither a sanding nor a hardware kinda' gal!), the nightstand project has been completed. Did it turn out exactly as it looked in my mind? Not quite. But I learned a couple of things, figured out what I would need to do to get closer to the final look I was wanting, and I have a finished product that is certainly acceptable to me. I call that all good. :)
I love that my mentor, Shirley, and her sister, Kathi, the proud proprietors of Haven Home Furnishings, actually had faith that my fully left-brain self could eke out enough right-brain stuff to make this happen. Thank you, ladies, for your confidence and support.
Without further ado, let's take a look at the transformation of my nightstand.
A reminder of where we started.
The process (one coat each of three different colors).
So... hope you have enjoyed my first endeavor in the world of "shabby chic!" I will say it was fun to see the piece transformed. Since it will return to the guest room, it doesn't have to be my personal style to have a place in my home.
If you are more right-brain than I and if you enjoy transforming furniture pieces, you should really consider one of the painting classes at Haven. Heck, the spousal-unit has already offered up a wooden barstool of his for my next transformation project! I just have to figure out what to do with it. I'm thinking even further ahead... to the painting and stenciling of some larger pieces!
Lord help me. I have become a paintaholic. Sigh. Shirley... I blame you for all of this.
Until next post!
Well, against all odds and with a LOT of assistance from the spousal-unit (I am neither a sanding nor a hardware kinda' gal!), the nightstand project has been completed. Did it turn out exactly as it looked in my mind? Not quite. But I learned a couple of things, figured out what I would need to do to get closer to the final look I was wanting, and I have a finished product that is certainly acceptable to me. I call that all good. :)
I love that my mentor, Shirley, and her sister, Kathi, the proud proprietors of Haven Home Furnishings, actually had faith that my fully left-brain self could eke out enough right-brain stuff to make this happen. Thank you, ladies, for your confidence and support.
Without further ado, let's take a look at the transformation of my nightstand.
A reminder of where we started.
The process (one coat each of three different colors).
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Start with a coat of "Chalk" |
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Add a coat of "Victorian Purple" |
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Finish with a coat of "Patina" |
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One side |
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Don't forget inside the drawer |
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The cabinet area |
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Front view |
If you are more right-brain than I and if you enjoy transforming furniture pieces, you should really consider one of the painting classes at Haven. Heck, the spousal-unit has already offered up a wooden barstool of his for my next transformation project! I just have to figure out what to do with it. I'm thinking even further ahead... to the painting and stenciling of some larger pieces!
Lord help me. I have become a paintaholic. Sigh. Shirley... I blame you for all of this.
Until next post!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!
Okay. I have told you about two furniture painting classes I have taken at Haven Home Furnishings in Lake Charles. The first (basic) was in June. The second (advanced) was in August. I guess it is time for me to try out what I have learned. But first, let me show you what I accomplished in class (with a lot of help from Shirley!).
The basic class was really learning about the Van Gogh paint product and the basic technique of painting and distressing. We worked on practice boards and tried out the clear wax and the dark wax on each. My results:
The second class introduced the use of stencils, embossing, and the new "metallic" paints available. It was a frenetic class but definitely worthwhile. Again, the practice boards were put to good use. My results:
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Emboss using a stencil then paint the embossed area again using the stencil. My error here was using a "furniture makeup" glaze that I don't care for. |
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LOVE the metallic paints! Making a fun board to hang items on using the copper colored metallic paint for the knobs. |
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Using a stencil to add a design with multiple colors. |
So... it's time to put up or shut up. I'm starting with a very small project that will only involve painting and distressing. This is a nightstand that matches two chests-of-drawers that my parents owned. I now possess the set. The nightstand has been used in the guest room for years now but has been in poor shape since I obtained it. I'm excited about bringing it back to life in a new form... rather like the phoenix rising from the ashes. We'll see.
Here are the before shots. The outdoor shots were taken of the item as it was before the sanding began. (MANY thanks to the spousal-unit for all his help during the sanding process!) The indoor shots are after the sanding of the item.
Alright then. Now you know what I will be working on for the next couple of days. The beauty of the chalk paint is how easily and quickly it applies and dries. I am hopeful to have the "after" shots for you in less than a week. Whether or not I will get them posted is another matter entirely!!!
At any rate, we'll see how this goes. Wish me luck!
Until next post...
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Greetings to my Blogging Pals. Those who have been with me a while know about my participation in Project 2996. I began my participation in 2009 and plan to continue this as long as I am able to do so. I ask each of you to take a moment to remember what happened on 9/11/2001. Even if you read my tributes previously, please read them again. It's important that we see this as an individual, personal event... not just something that happened in New York, D.C., and Pennsylvania over a decade ago. It affects us all and will continue to do so. I do not see the 12th Anniversary as any different from the 2nd, the 19th, or the 100th. The pain for the families is the same. But this is a tribute to their loved one!! Please read about this wonderful gentleman.
*** This was posted in 2009 as my tribute to Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. I repeat it here as I will continue doing so on each anniversary of 9/11 as long as I am able. There are a couple of notes and updates from 2010 in italic.
Please meet Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. He was 52 years old, born in Washington State, and had a Bachelor of Science degree. He had served our country in a lot of places including Germany, Washington State, Washington DC, Texas, and Virginia. He had many awards and decorations. Most devastating for me to learn was his plan to retire upon completion of 30 years of service... at the end of September 2001. After all of his service, he was close to spending more time on his hobbies (fishing, hiking, gourmet cooking, and needlepoint) and especially looking forward to spending more time with his family. SGM Strickland left behind a wife, Debra, who was the Garrison Command Sergeant Major of Fort Belvoir, VA. at the time, three adult children, and one grandson who will never know his grandfather as he was only a year old when SGM Strickland was taken. His parents also were left to deal with the untimely loss of their child.
NOTE: I posted a note to the family at Legacy.com and received two emails.
One was from SGM Strickland's son-in-law and read, in part:
"I came across your blog today while searching for SM Larry Strickland. I am lucky enough to be married to his daughter Julia and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for caring enough to research this remarkable man. Everything you read about him and his character is true. He left behind an amazingly strong wife, a beautiful daughter, his two sons, and his grandson. His grandson was 4, not 1 as many newspaper articles claim, so he does remember his grandfather, and fondly."(I was SO happy to read that his grandson did remember his grandfather and wanted to share that with you all! MNC)
The other email was from SGM Strickland's daughter and read, in part:
"Mary, thank you very much for your kind words. I am Larry's daughter, and it is wonderful to know that though it's been 8 years, remembering him and this tragic event is still as important now as it was the day it happened. He was truly a wonderful man, and the best father anyone could ask for."
SGM Strickland headed out to work that day at the Pentagon as there were some meetings he deemed important enough to attend even though he could have skipped them. He had annual leave built up that needed to be used or lost. He chose to go to work. If you knew nothing more about him than that, you would know the character of the man. It was that character that had him in his office on the second floor when the wing he was in was struck by American Airlines Flight 77.
But this is a tribute to SGM Strickland's life. And I've got to tell you the things said about him and written about him are absolutely glowing!! What a wonderful thing... to have those left behind remember you so well and so lovingly. It's not just family. These were friends, co-workers, people who knew him on a "business" level where, many times, the feelings are not so great. I would suggest you take a few moments today to review three different web sites where there are tributes (and from where I gathered much of the information I am sharing with you). It really won't take that long and, thankfully, most of us did not actually know anyone who was lost that day. Perhaps it would be good to learn about at least one of them. I know it gave me a very new perspective.
Pentagon Memorial Fund - Names of the souls lost at the Pentagon are alphabetical by last name. Scroll down and click on SGM Strickland's name to read about his service career.
Columns - The University of Washington Alumni Magazine- Read a really great article here about SGM Strickland's personal life. Sounds like someone we would all like to have known.
The Washington Post - This project is a database of all of the souls lost that day and has a very nice tribute to SGM Strickland.
Legacy.com - This is where folks can leave notes for the family. Many folks were positively impacted by SGM Strickland. Some commented here about their appreciation of the man. I invite you to take just a moment to leave a note here to let the family know the loss of their loved one is something we all remember.
9-11 Heroes - This is another site where a note can be left. Again... take a moment to leave a note on at least one of the sites. You have no idea how much this can mean to family members.
Thank you, SGM Strickland, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.
We should never forget.
*** This was posted in 2009 as my tribute to Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. I repeat it here as I will continue doing so on each anniversary of 9/11 as long as I am able. There are a couple of notes and updates from 2010 in italic.
Please meet Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. He was 52 years old, born in Washington State, and had a Bachelor of Science degree. He had served our country in a lot of places including Germany, Washington State, Washington DC, Texas, and Virginia. He had many awards and decorations. Most devastating for me to learn was his plan to retire upon completion of 30 years of service... at the end of September 2001. After all of his service, he was close to spending more time on his hobbies (fishing, hiking, gourmet cooking, and needlepoint) and especially looking forward to spending more time with his family. SGM Strickland left behind a wife, Debra, who was the Garrison Command Sergeant Major of Fort Belvoir, VA. at the time, three adult children, and one grandson who will never know his grandfather as he was only a year old when SGM Strickland was taken. His parents also were left to deal with the untimely loss of their child.
NOTE: I posted a note to the family at Legacy.com and received two emails.
One was from SGM Strickland's son-in-law and read, in part:
"I came across your blog today while searching for SM Larry Strickland. I am lucky enough to be married to his daughter Julia and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for caring enough to research this remarkable man. Everything you read about him and his character is true. He left behind an amazingly strong wife, a beautiful daughter, his two sons, and his grandson. His grandson was 4, not 1 as many newspaper articles claim, so he does remember his grandfather, and fondly."(I was SO happy to read that his grandson did remember his grandfather and wanted to share that with you all! MNC)
The other email was from SGM Strickland's daughter and read, in part:
"Mary, thank you very much for your kind words. I am Larry's daughter, and it is wonderful to know that though it's been 8 years, remembering him and this tragic event is still as important now as it was the day it happened. He was truly a wonderful man, and the best father anyone could ask for."
SGM Strickland headed out to work that day at the Pentagon as there were some meetings he deemed important enough to attend even though he could have skipped them. He had annual leave built up that needed to be used or lost. He chose to go to work. If you knew nothing more about him than that, you would know the character of the man. It was that character that had him in his office on the second floor when the wing he was in was struck by American Airlines Flight 77.
But this is a tribute to SGM Strickland's life. And I've got to tell you the things said about him and written about him are absolutely glowing!! What a wonderful thing... to have those left behind remember you so well and so lovingly. It's not just family. These were friends, co-workers, people who knew him on a "business" level where, many times, the feelings are not so great. I would suggest you take a few moments today to review three different web sites where there are tributes (and from where I gathered much of the information I am sharing with you). It really won't take that long and, thankfully, most of us did not actually know anyone who was lost that day. Perhaps it would be good to learn about at least one of them. I know it gave me a very new perspective.
Pentagon Memorial Fund - Names of the souls lost at the Pentagon are alphabetical by last name. Scroll down and click on SGM Strickland's name to read about his service career.
Columns - The University of Washington Alumni Magazine- Read a really great article here about SGM Strickland's personal life. Sounds like someone we would all like to have known.
The Washington Post - This project is a database of all of the souls lost that day and has a very nice tribute to SGM Strickland.
Legacy.com - This is where folks can leave notes for the family. Many folks were positively impacted by SGM Strickland. Some commented here about their appreciation of the man. I invite you to take just a moment to leave a note here to let the family know the loss of their loved one is something we all remember.
9-11 Heroes - This is another site where a note can be left. Again... take a moment to leave a note on at least one of the sites. You have no idea how much this can mean to family members.
Thank you, SGM Strickland, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.
We should never forget.
Greetings to my Blogging Pals. Those who have been with me a while know about my participation in Project 2996. I began my participation in 2009 and plan to continue this as long as I am able to do so. I ask each of you to take a moment to remember what happened on 9/11/2001. Even if you read my tributes previously, please read them again. It's important that we see this as an individual, personal event... not just something that happened in New York, D.C., and Pennsylvania over a decade ago. It affects us all and will continue to do so. I do not see the 12th Anniversary as any different from the 2nd, the 19th, or the 100th. The pain for the families is the same. But this is a tribute to their loved one!! Please read about this wonderful gentleman.
Major Ronald Dutrell Milam was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and had a Bachelors degree from Eastern New Mexico University earned in 1991. He served his country in Germany, Korea, and Saudi Arabia. He had recently received his assignment as Military Assistant for the Secretary of the Army. He had also recently married Jacqueline on January 15, 2000. Things were definitely going well for Major Milam and his new family. His future was clearly a bright one and who knows what wonderful things he would have accomplished!
On 9/11/2001, Major Milam, who had just turned 33 the month before, was at work at the Pentagon. His wife, Jacqueline, five months pregnant with their second child and an Air Force officer, was also at her job at the Pentagon. Neither had an office in the area where Flight 77 struck that morning. Jacqueline was not terribly concerned immediately after the attack assuming they would connect in the parking lot. Major Milam had been attending a staff meeting that morning... right where the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon.
But this post is a tribute to a man who lived well, with honor and with dedication to his country. His college basketball coach had no doubt Major Milam was a leader and a role model during his years working with him. When Major Milam told his coach he had chosen the military as his career, the coach, who thought Milam should pursue a career in law, told the young man he supported him 100%. Major Milam clearly touched many lives during his own. What a great legacy to leave!! We should all be proud of this young man.
Take a few moments today to visit the sites below. If you can, leave a note for his family at either Legacy.com or at 9-11 Heroes. All of the sites below are links to get you there quickly.
Arlington Cemetery Site - If you read nothing else, read this tribute. Major Milam's wife recounts the events of that day and what has kept her going.
Pentagon Memorial Site - This site has a full obituary providing information on Major Milam's life.
The Washington Post - This site has a short remembrance from Major Milam's father about the Major's love of golf.
Legacy.Com - Take a moment and leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
9-11 Heroes - Or you can leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
Thank you, Major Milam, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.
We should never forget.
Major Ronald Dutrell Milam was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and had a Bachelors degree from Eastern New Mexico University earned in 1991. He served his country in Germany, Korea, and Saudi Arabia. He had recently received his assignment as Military Assistant for the Secretary of the Army. He had also recently married Jacqueline on January 15, 2000. Things were definitely going well for Major Milam and his new family. His future was clearly a bright one and who knows what wonderful things he would have accomplished!
On 9/11/2001, Major Milam, who had just turned 33 the month before, was at work at the Pentagon. His wife, Jacqueline, five months pregnant with their second child and an Air Force officer, was also at her job at the Pentagon. Neither had an office in the area where Flight 77 struck that morning. Jacqueline was not terribly concerned immediately after the attack assuming they would connect in the parking lot. Major Milam had been attending a staff meeting that morning... right where the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon.
But this post is a tribute to a man who lived well, with honor and with dedication to his country. His college basketball coach had no doubt Major Milam was a leader and a role model during his years working with him. When Major Milam told his coach he had chosen the military as his career, the coach, who thought Milam should pursue a career in law, told the young man he supported him 100%. Major Milam clearly touched many lives during his own. What a great legacy to leave!! We should all be proud of this young man.
Take a few moments today to visit the sites below. If you can, leave a note for his family at either Legacy.com or at 9-11 Heroes. All of the sites below are links to get you there quickly.
Arlington Cemetery Site - If you read nothing else, read this tribute. Major Milam's wife recounts the events of that day and what has kept her going.
Pentagon Memorial Site - This site has a full obituary providing information on Major Milam's life.
The Washington Post - This site has a short remembrance from Major Milam's father about the Major's love of golf.
Legacy.Com - Take a moment and leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
9-11 Heroes - Or you can leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
Thank you, Major Milam, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.
We should never forget.
Monday, September 1, 2014
It has been a bit exciting around here the last week of August. I will provide you with some detail... all weather-related!
On Monday, August 25th, we had a little storm roll through in the late afternoon. That isn't really unusual for this area due to the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico (bringing in high moisture levels) and the time of year (plenty of heat!). This little storm, however, was a bit more than usual. Very heavy winds and lightning made it interesting. It went through very quickly but what it left behind took a little longer to clear up!
Little limbs and branches down in the front yard.
Larger items (pine trees!) down on the golf course.
I had signed up for the "advanced" furniture painting class at Haven Home Furnishings. It was scheduled for Saturday, August 30th. No problem. It rained overnight Friday night and continued into Saturday. The class was in Lake Charles, LA, about 45 minutes south of where I am. The problem with Lake Charles is it is very low and has a tendency to flood in a lot of areas when there are heavy rains. Hmmmm. It had been raining all night here and I figured it was raining there, too, but I struck out at 8:30 a.m. for my 10:00 a.m. class, hoping to make a quick Starbucks run before class. Perhaps I was just a wee bit too optimistic?
After surveying the situation and noting the vehicles that were stranded, I struck out very slowly to the light where I made my turn and proceeded to class. Skipped Starbucks for the morning (but made it there at the end of the day!) to avoid any further "swimming" through Lake Charles. The interesting news? Lake Charles hit a new record rainfall that day... 7.87 inches. Uh-huh. Go figure.
After the crazy weather, seems like the "critters" needed to get busy. The spousal-unit spotted this little fella' so I caught a couple of pics. I have found about 3-4 more just like him throughout the back yard.
Thanks, as always, for reading! Until next post...
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