Okay. So I'm in the post office trying to get a package shipped out. I finish my business (after only waiting for one person ahead of me!) and am heading out the door when I hear "Mary Nell?"
My first thought was that all my mortal sins executed in this town during my first 18 years of life had finally caught up with me. I could only be glad the "Hanging Jail" was no longer being used to incarcerate.
I turned to see a FABULOUS looking young lady who looked exactly like a high-school buddy from (many!) years past. Yep. Sure was. Not only a voice from my past but an entire body... and a great one at that. Sigh.
After a few moments of mutual admiration, I handed off my cell phone number to be used to schedule a lunch along with yet another pal from my previous life who remains here. I got a call a day or so later from that second pal. We got together for a couple of hours last Saturday at her house. She, too, looks FABULOUS! Sigh.
Alright. You will hear more about these ladies after tomorrow's lunch. I have photos of one and plan to get a few more tomorrow. The fact they both look FABULOUS is not what this blog is about (although they do) but I'm hoping the title drew you in. :)
Here is the story. One of these young ladies (Susan S.) and I literally grew up together. I have pictures (black & white!) of her and her younger sister at my childhood birthday parties!! Oh yes. From kindergarten forward until that final Senior Prom, we were together. The other young lady (Jo) moved here with her family later. It may have been around the time we started high school. Don't quote me. At any rate, she fit right in and we all became fast friends.
Back up with me, if you will, to my and Susan's tours-of-duty at
Camp Fern in Marshall, Texas. I was a Second Generation camper as my aunt (with whom I am staying now) had attended there. Susan S. and I went there and were in the same cabin. We met a terrific fellow camper in our cabin named Susan F. She was from Tampico, Mexico, and was just a hoot!! Her brother sent her a big package of rubber "bugs" which we snuck into our counselor's bunk sending our counselor, who was TERRIFIED of bugs, screaming out the cabin door up the hill into one of the "green houses" which were outhouses... real ones... when she crawled between the sheets and found little creepy crawlies there with her. Their lack of life was not noted nor would it have been important to her.
Moving forward... many years later... Susan S. and I had signed up to bunk together for our first semester at Miller Dorm at LSU (Louisiana State University for the uninformed) in Baton Rouge. Jo had scored the dorm room next door. As we unloaded our stuff and got together to go explore, Susan and I asked Jo if her roommate (who was to be assigned) had arrived yet. She indicated she had arrived but had not been met yet. We asked what her name was (you always put your name on EVERYthing when leaving for college... kind of like Camp Fern!) and Jo replied "It's Susan F." Susan S. and I just looked at each other and said "It can't be!" when we heard the same name as our co-bug-conspirator from the many years before at camp.
When Susan F. finally showed, it was, indeed, our Camp Fern pal and bug buddy!!! Who would have ever thought it? What were the odds? We spent a terrific first semester getting re-acquainted with our pal.
Lesson? You never know who might show up at what point in your life. Always be prepared and open to the fun. As I look forward to tomorrow's lunch, I have tons of old memories flooding back and anticipate a raucous and interesting time. And THAT, my blog buddies, is truly FABULOUS, DAHLING... JUST FABULOUS!!
Until next round...