Again... too long since my last post. It has been busy. Let me give you a run-down of the past week or so.
Friday, August 14th. Interview at the Newton (Texas) County Correctional Facility. Will regale you later. No, I do not have that job. (No comments from the peanut gallery regarding why it would have been the most appropriate place for me to work!)
Weekend, 15/16. The usual. A little yard work. A little housecleaning. Sigh. I really need a job!
Week of 17-21. The spousal-unit made a Texas run on Wednesday the 19th. He has been hanging out with his pals in West Texas, allegedly preparing a new deer blind. He is scheduled to return on Friday the 28th unless he can find an excuse to hang longer! :) He does have a commitment to make a Costco run for us and I don't think I can wait so he will likely be compelled to meet that 28th date. Oh, and I had another interview on Friday the 21st for a "Project Coordinator" position with the city. I'll keep you posted.
Weekend, 22/23. Well, the danger when one leaves town and leaves the remaining party to his or her own devices is that information not necessarily for public consumption is shared. So... let me just mention that the spousal-unit celebrated his "L" on Saturday. Now, he did this in Junction, Texas with his pals. (I know as I received a call during the pool tournament.) I, on the other hand, remained in Louisiana, holding down the fort... and the leftover cake from my "LVI" that had taken place previously. Never one to waste a cause to celebrate, my buddy, Faux Auntie Jo (on right), and our pear-tree-proprietor, Helen, gathered to hoist a toast to the "old man" in absentia.
I think the fish add a nice "manly" touch... and no, there is not one growing out of Helen's head!!
We had frozen the "LVI" cake that remained, carefully preserving the "L" for this occasion. After libations (which should explain my "walleyed" look... no fish references, please?), we decided to have just a sliver. I cannot believe they allowed me to wield a knife at this point... and a sharp one at that!!
Alright. The minor crisis occurred on Sunday evening when my aunt's air-conditioner went out. No, I don't mean it had a date with a heat pump. It CRASHED! Those of you in Texas understand the crisis that occurs if one loses air-conditioning anytime from late April through mid-October. You Alaskans and Pennsylvanians... probably not such a big deal. :) At any rate, I began making calls Sunday evening (everyone in business has either a cell phone or an answering machine) after taking a box fan over to at least provide circulation in her house. We had a gentleman come out Monday afternoon after 4:00 pm who pronounced the fan motor DOA. He ordered one and had it overnighted. He installed it this afternoon (Tuesday) and the crowd at the aunt's is VERY happy!!! (I know... I got a text message!) Crisis resolved.
Finally, my aunt's neighbor, Susan L., brought another little cutie over for us to enjoy. This little one is "Sissy" and she is undergoing heartworm treatment. She will be adopted out in about 6 weeks. Thought you might want to take a peek. She's a real sweetheart.
I can hear the collective "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" even through cyberspace.
Thanks for staying with me!! I will try to do a bit better with more timely posts rather than such LOOOOONG ones infrequently. (No guarantees.)
Oh... and if any of you are interested in an excellent crawfish recipe, just drop me an email. I have tried one from the "Louisiana Life" magazine (published by Louisiana Public Broadcasting) that is REALLY good!! Crawfish-stuffed Tomatoes with Pesto. Yummmmmmm!!
Until next post...
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