Hello again, Blogging Pals! I told you there were a LOT of pictures! Hope I'm not boring you.
One of the things a Parish (or County) Fair allows one to do is compete. You have already visited the Livestock where ribbons are awarded. Let's take a run through the Exhibit Hall where there are a number of things with which one can compete. Let's review a few of those now!

I will tell you I threatened the spousal-unit with the possibility I would enter one of his canned pear jars in the Fair this year!! :) What kept me from doing so is the fact they are EVER so good and I'm not willing to sacrifice any of them... Grand Champion ribbon notwithstanding! There were a few competitors in the Pear Realm as you can see.

If you thought the art of canning/preserving had been lost, let me assure you that it is very much alive and well in the small towns of America. Those of you who have never enjoyed
Mayhaw Jelly or Fig Preserves put up by a relative (or even a parent you were glad to assist!) have all of my sympathy. I don't care how much advertising the national brands do, they know they will never reach the level of taste (and love) that is in every single Mason jar filled by the same folks who picked the figs (or pears or plums or apples or whatever!). The term "preserves" is NOT synonymous with "preserved" either. Make no mistake. To "preserve" is to process in such a way that the FRESH products used are ready to keep on the shelves for quite a while and enjoy at leisure. The way I use this term is to denote what happens in family home kitchens across the United States every year. The "preserved" product you purchase in a store has been bombarded with all manner of artificial preservatives and a whole
lotta' stuff your body doesn't really need... or want, for that matter! This product may last a while but will never be as healthy as the "preserves" Grandma (or the spousal-unit!) put up in the summer. Trust me on this one.

Parishes in Louisiana are typically divided into "Wards." Most of you have at least heard of these if you have watched anything about Hurricane Katrina and its effects on the "Ninth Ward" of New Orleans. At the Fair, each Ward will typically enter a display showing off its produce and/or products for all to see. This is a typical display by one of the Wards. Colorful, isn't it?

Here is another Ward display. These were really fun to view with all of the items laid out to see and some stats about the Parish typically included.

I don't know if quilting is something you are familiar with but it is another of those things that remains alive and well in small-town America. You can see only some of the entries here. Everything from the very old patterns to newer ones had been quilted for this event!

Young folks are strongly encouraged to participate in the annual Fair. Members of the
FFA (Future Farmers of America),
FCCLA (I had to Google this to learn it is the Family Career and Community Leaders of America which USED to be the good ole FHA or Future Homemakers of America), and
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) all typically are involved in some form or fashion. I can pretty well assure you they all had floats in the Fair Parade, at LEAST!

Finally, I had to stop to make a sentimental journey back in time. This booth is the Lions Club Booth. It has had its same location at the Fair ever since I can remember and I would put a pretty big bet it was there before I was on the scene! My dad was a member of the local Lions Club. There were a lot of things they did to help out in the community. Every year they would sell hamburgers, chili dogs, and all that good old Fair food from this booth during the Fair. I remember my dad putting on his "gold" vest (pretty much just like the one you see in the picture!) and heading down to do his duty behind the counter. When I was old enough, I was allowed to work behind the counter, too!! Funny thing about that... I don't remember it as work. It was great fun to me.
Well, we're almost done. One more post to show you what I found at the Petting Zoo!!! You really don't want to miss that one! Stay tuned...
Until next post...
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