However... one can always make time for friends and food, right?!?!?!? I had that opportunity recently, thanks to Jo B. as well as Tom & Terri T. Here is how it worked. Tom & Terri donated their time & energy to offer a gourmet meal for six to the high bidder at a silent auction held at one of the local churches. The monies received went to support of the church's youth group (I believe that is accurate) and to support of the Beauregard Agape Community Clinic which I have posted about previously. My friend, Jo B., was the high bidder for the fabulous, gourmet meal for six!!! She decided it should be a "girls night out" event and invited four friends to join her. I was fortunate enough to be one of those friends! (THANK YOU, JO!)
We were delighted to be greeted at the door by the "butlah", something we were not expecting! He was a very personable fellow and allowed me to pose with him to get my "snooty-tooty" shot for posterity. :)
There were marvelous hors d'oeuvres served with a refreshing spritzer of choice. The "butlah" (I just can't say enough about him!) was at the ready... pouring, spritzing, serving, and lavishing attention on all the ladies.
Upon finishing our cocktails and chatting, we were ushered to the table for dining. It was an absolutely lovely tablescape (I didn't know that word until I saw Sandra Lee on Food Network!) and perfect for a pre-Easter event. We were missing one of our five but knew she would be joining us a little later.
We had invited our hostess, Terri, as well as our "butlah", Tom, to join us for dinner. After all, they had clearly worked VERY hard to make this a memorable evening! Terri accepted our invitation but our "butlah" did not. He was, however, at hand for water and wine pouring throughout the meal! (Did I mention what a fabulous "butlah" we had?)
(My apologies right now to Terri for anything I misspeak while describing the incredible dinner she slaved over preparing for us! I am typing from memory when all I can really remember is the excellence of everything she prepared!) We sat down to a terrific salad with what appeared to be baby field greens, nuts of some type, dried fruit (perhaps?), and an incredible salad dressing. (Did I mention I am asking for ALL recipes?) After devouring yet savoring that course, our "butlah" cleared our plates and began serving the entree. There was the most delectable pork loin, "dirty" wild rice (look it up non-Southerners!), asparagus, and a tangy-sweet barbecue sauce on each plate. The "butlah" offered up browned, warm French bread with basil pesto spread on it. The presentation was nothing short of what I have encountered in "foo-foo" restaurants while traveling with my aunt!! Here! Take a look for yourself!!
It was a lovely meal and there was even dessert in the works!! Italian Cream Cake with a whole strawberry garnish and a smidgeon of whipped cream for show. YUMMMMMMM!!! I gained five pound just looking at it!
Oh! Was everyone happy about the dinner? You tell me.
(L to R) Susan S., Your Blogger, Terri T. (our much-esteemed gourmet chef!), Jo B. (our new best friend for winning this bid!), and Charlotte B. (Missing from photo Martha O. who did finally make it!)
My thanks to every single person for a wonderful, memory-lane-filled evening. It was most enjoyable and something very different and fun!! Hats off to Jo, Terri, and Tom for bringing us all together and allowing us to revel in the pampered and spoiled category... even if for just one night. :)
Until next time...