Helloooooooo, Blogging Buddies! It has been too long and I am aware of that. Mea culpa. Many things to do... believe it or not.
So... let's talk about the Louisiana Doll Festival I attended this past Saturday. It was held downtown and included lots of dolls, a small carnival, a puppet show, assorted vendors, and just a lot of things to see.
The street scene (carnival at the far end):

Some hard-working young'uns (Tae Kwon Do participants):

The puppets were busy telling the story of Jonah and the Whale (the whale is at the upper right corner of the black draping):

The town lost one of its Sheriff's Department detectives on May 5, 2009, in an auto accident that seriously injured three other officers. They were returning from a S.W.A.T. team competition in northwest Louisiana. How could I pass up the opportunity to contribute to the cause? Besides, the German Shepherd was just begging for a photo-op!!

Oh!! I guess I should point out some of the dolls that were at the festival. Got busy with other things.

Interestingly enough, there was a couple from Cedar Park, Texas there with their collection. Had to snap a shot of them!! She is Patsy. I didn't get his name and I reckon he doesn't want it on the business card about dolls. :) It was nice chatting with them. They don't have a web site on the card but if you have an interest in dolls, they can be emailed at

A farewell to dolls with a ride on the dragon-coaster!!

On another note entirely, for those of you interested in my "tire garden", the planting was done on April 2, 2010. It looked like this:

Today is April 19th so we are only 17 days in. There have been two "Grape" tomato plants incorporated, adding a touch of civility in their faux glazed pottery planters. I'm very pleased with the progress so far. (Don't worry... the flamingos are just off-camera to the left!)

So... I hope you feel "caught up" now and will forgive my delay in posting. I'm not sure what fascinating event will be upcoming so I can't tell you to what you should look forward. Just be prepared!! You never know!
Until next time...
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