My last post on July 1st was to tell you about my little R&R to Texas. Good thing I got that out that morning. Things went south for me, physically, at lunch that day and continued to deterioriate. Nothing major, mind you. Just some things that created issues I would rather not be dealing with at this time... or ever.
Unfortunately, things also began deteriorating for my pal, Dude, the second week of July. Now then, for those of you who don't know, Dude was my pal... my buddy... my "I want to be nearby... but don't pick me up!" kitty. He came to us as a "rescue kitty" from a vet's office in Austin. My friend, Anne A., knew we had lost our only kitty several months previously and called me to tell me about this cat that would be "perfect for you and (the spousal-unit)." Quite honestly, I wasn't really up for it. It was 2002 and I had recently (within 24 months) lost my father, my first cousin, and my mother. I just didn't feel like there was a need to bring a pet into the household. I really did not want anything that would need to be taken care of at that point.
Okay. So, I'm such a wuss. I agreed to go see this "perfect" cat with my friend, Anne, as she just wouldn't let it go. Off we went. When we arrived, "Monkey" (the cat's name at that point) was in a small cage in the front office area, hanging out, and quite mellow about the whole thing. She removed him from the cage and set him down. He was interested in things around him but wasn't at all rambunctious or trying to escape. He just wandered about, sniffing and smelling, and finally did a "head-roll" at my feet. Cute. Okay. I'm such a sucker.
So... after providing some information, we loaded him into the carrier and he headed to my house with me. He continued to be quite mellow and not at all concerned as other cats I had owned were when relocated to a new environment. He was pretty much at home right away.
He was renamed "Dude" after consultation with my step-munchkin. He was a very handsome kitty of Maine Coon roots and "Dude" just seemed to be appropriate.
Well, Dude had a bout of illness several years ago in Austin. He was treated extensively and sent home. I was told "Well, he won't ever have that problem again." That was not an accurate statement.
In January and again in February of this year, I took him to a vet to whom I had been referred with my comments that I was noticing the behavior that had led up to the extensive treatment in Austin several years ago. I wanted to "nip it in the bud", if possible. I was provided with medications which I thought were antibiotics. (Sorry... I am totally non-medical and don't know one med from another. I have to trust the medical person with whom I am working.) While he didn't seem to be completely "cured", he did not appear to worsen. When I took him in to that same vet for his annual exam the second week of July, I mentioned that he still wasn't quite right and I thought we needed to revisit treatment. After a cursory exam, I was given more of the same medication I had received previously. This was Thursday the 8th. Dude exhibited a slight reaction to the vaccinations on Friday but did eat and drink. On Saturday, he seemed fine in the morning but things really went south Saturday evening... of course... when there is no place to take him. (This isn't Austin, folks.)
Without further detail, and I apologize for so much already, we took Dude to a second vet on Monday who told us more in the first 5 minutes than we had learned from the first vet in multiple visits. I also discovered that the medication given to Dude was not an antibiotic which was very surprising. At any rate, we began steroid and antibiotic therapy. By Friday the 16th, we saw no improvement. Dude had not eaten since the Friday before. This is always a sign things are not going to end well. We returned him to the second vet who is very kind and very empathetic and very supportive. He gave him fluids, gently suggested that his best chance was a trip to the LSU vet school in Baton Rouge, and we decided to take him home that night. When I had to realize there would be no improvement with basic care, it was time to make the final decision.
Now... those of you who know me well know my thoughts about extreme measures and extraordinary efforts to provide care. Not just to pets, but I think sometimes we go too far with people, as well. Every individual certainly has the right to his/her own opinion and the right to go as far as they choose. But I am not one to push for measures that I don't feel will end in the same quality of life as experienced previously.
So... I had to send the spousal-unit back to the vet with Dude on Saturday morning. I'm such a chicken. I just couldn't go. I didn't want to make a big boo-hoo scene in the vet's office. I'm sure there are those who appreciate that. I did give Dude a good brushing and told him goodbye as I placed him in the carrier. Needless to say, my Saturday sucked.
The remaining kitty, Demon (also named after consultation with the step-munchkin and very appropriately named as we have learned!), does not seem to be overly concerned. I think he knew Dude was not well. Demon is also a "rescue kitty" who was retrieved from a former co-worker when she sent out an email about finding him. She was not able to keep him herself. So we will continue to enjoy a furry friend in the household but I am not considering additional pets. Please don't call me. :)
I wish Dude a very loving farewell and so appreciate the fun and laughs and love he brought into my life. I sure hope all of my pets are waiting to see me again when it's my turn to check out. :)

1 comment:
Awww....Mary Nell so sorry about Dude. That kitty was so special and well loved during his short time on earth.
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