Some of you may recall a post from the past titled "Things That Make Me Go 'Huh'." The subject there was a pecan vending machine that offered up an entire pecan pie!!
Well... there is apparently no lack of things that can be identified with a resounding "Huh?" I offer up a couple of those things for your consideration... in case you might have missed them on your own. :)
First of all, my friend, Jo B., who provided me with the "Voo Doo BBQ & Grill" photo in the past, continues to keep her eyes open and her mind clear to identify those things she believes to be blogworthy. Thank you, Jo!! Her most recent contribution is the sign below which was outside of a CVS Pharmacy in the capitol of this fine state, home of the LSU Tigers. She was walking to a game featuring those fine Bengals when she encountered the sign. Her specific comment about it was "I’m sure that folks who live there know what this is about but I can only speculate." I am going to agree that speculation is the only reasonable thing to do here. Talk amongst yourselves!
Sometimes the "Huh?" things are a little more difficult to find... but my spousal-unit dug up such a gem!! Thank you, Dear!! He picked up a "Louisiana Hunting Regulations 2010-2011" magazine to browse it. It included Wildlife Management Area regulations. He has been to a number of these WMAs as we are literally surrounded by them! As you all can expect, the entire thing is written pretty much in what we like to refer to as "legalese" meaning the sentences are long, the thoughts are rambling, and I would have had to attend additional years of schoolin' to interpret the meaning. At any rate, he encountered a small section titled "Methods of Taking Deer" which addressed what type of weaponry was allowed (and what wasn't), the no-no of using aircraft (!), automobiles, or other land vehicles to take Bambi, and when you could use your dawg to help you out with hunting down that dangerous creature (Bambi) including what type of ID said dawg should have on its four-legged self. *Chuckle* Okay. I'm smiling. But the following paragraph (note it is one sentence!) was cause for out-loud rollicking laughter:
"It is illegal to take deer while deer are swimming or while the hunter is in a boat with motor attached in operating position; however the restrictions in this paragraph shall not apply to any person who has lost one or more limbs."
HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm not even going to speculate on the conversation amongst the powers-that-be about the situation that led them to include this paragraph. Nope. Not gonna' do it. You can't make me.
Alright. I will leave you with an "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" moment. My friend, Susan S., and her spousal-unit were hanging at their second home which provides them the opportunity to do some biking. She emailed me and mentioned they were about to head out and that the "boyz" were going to be joining them. I asked for a photo of that as I knew it would provide many of you with a smile. With no further ado, I present "Spicer" on the left and "Spritzer" on the right, preparing for their bike ride.

There you have it. A few comments. A couple of pics. That's it for now. Thanks again for dropping by... and remember to VOTE!!!
Until next post...