Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!! Well... you may have read my previous post, "Things That Make Me Go 'Huh?'" The item described there was a real head-scratcher to me. I thought there wouldn't be too many that gave me pause... but I have found another. Thanks to the spousal-unit for capturing the "proof" of the existence of a "specialty" market I am having some trouble understanding.
If you are having any trouble reading the smaller signage, there is a small sign to the left (under the covered area) that says "We accept food stamps." That doesn't really concern me. The other sign, over the door toward the right, is what makes me go "Huh?" The large sign indicates this is an Oriental Market... and I'm assuming the characters to the far right are some Asian writing. If I enter the white door in the center of the photo, however, it appears I will find "Hispanic Food" there. Okay. I'm going to take the word of the signage... and move on. Anyone with enlightening information is welcome to let me in on it!! I guess we have colliding cultures. So... Spring has sprung here in southwest Louisiana... and the tire garden has been refreshed and prepared to accept planting! YAY!! I love this time of year. Here are the latest photos of this year's babies! The Flamingo Boyz are glad to have new plants to oversee! The lettuce plants in the "double-decker" tire garden are volunteers. I allowed the lettuce to bolt last year and obviously some seed made it to the dirt! How nice to have this lovely surprise. This is one of MANY reasons gardening is so much darned fun!!
The home for the little Jalapeno plant is currently undergoing some "work", if you call killing stinkin' fire ants "work!" Those little suckers continue to plague the tire garden... but we have chased out all but this one tough mound. I trust my Amdro. They will be gone soon and the Jalapeno baby can join the rest!!
Finally, we had planted two very small Meyers Lemon trees last year. They did fine through the winter and there is actually one flower bud on the smaller of the two! Might have a one-lemon harvest this year! Since they survived without much trouble, I decided to expand the "citrus orchard" and purchased a Persian Lime tree. It is LOADED with itty-bitty lime babies. If only half of them make it, it will be necessary to make a lot of Bloody Marys to use them up!! :)
That's pretty much all I have for you today. Just wanted you to know I haven't been slacking since the weather has improved!! Until next post...