Monday, April 5, 2010


Hello there, Blogging Pals!! Welcome back!!

First of all, I have found, to my displeasure, that my Google Blogspot account has suddenly begun attaching "ads" to my text!!! I did NOT request this and I am presently trying to get it stopped. If you see ANY words in green with double underlining, do NOT click on them or roll your cursor over them. The links I place in the posts which are heavy pink/purple in color are still good for you to click on.

I am very pleased to announce that the recently implemented DeRidder Recycling Program is a tremendous success!! Relocating here from a city that actually picks up one's recycling at the curb and that recycles so many things (including "used" Christmas trees!), it was quite a shock that there was NO recycling here when we arrived. I did ask the Mayor about recycling last summer. Apparently an opportunity to use community funds obtained through the "Keep Louisiana Beautiful" program arose and the new recycling program was launched.

Now then... it started in early March and requires that one take one's recyclables to a location in town where it is sorted by folks into separate "bins" on a trailer to be hauled to the buyers (I assume) of the various recyclables. It is only available one morning each week. I am SO pleased and impressed that enough folks in this town are concerned enough to make time to get to the location, especially since it is not "worker-friendly" meaning the hours are pretty much normal "work hours" for most folks. At any rate, the city is making plans to expand and perhaps have equipment that allows residents to make drop-offs anytime during the week at specific locations that are permanent. I think they are going to be surprised at how much MORE they will receive if that occurs!!

Now then... you ask "What makes you SOOOOOO tired?" about recycling? Glad you asked. Let me show you.

First of all, I was advised these lovely and huge Boston ferns were to be discarded since they had frozen back during our winter of snow. Oh NO, I said!! They will be fine. They just need a good "haircut", some fertilizer, and some time. In the spirit of "recycling", I brought them home, groomed and fertilized them, then hung them in their new location (thanks to the spousal-unit's fabulous plant-hanging planning and follow-through). I will keep you posted on how they do as the spring progresses.

Okay. That wasn't too difficult, was it? What is so tiring??? Let me point out another item I purchased in the spirit of recycling as well as for its aesthetic (I love brightly colored yard art!). If you'll look closely, you will see this little fella' was a tire in a former life. :) Yep. One less tire in the landfills to never degrade and be a blight on the scenery!!
Okay. Decent pun, Mary Nell. We still don't understand what makes you SOOOOOO tired!!! Alright. Pay close attention. Most of you will figure this out as you see the series of pictures. Those of you who are dazzling Urbanites will likely have some difficulty. That's alright. Don't be ashamed. Just keep looking through the photos.

On March 27th (and thanks to the spousal-unit who wants no credit for his work):
On March 28th:
By March 29th:
Okay, Urbanites. Figured it out now? :)

On April 2nd:

Lest any of you think the garden was complete on April 2nd, I show you the photo from April 3rd indicating true final completion:

I will keep you posted on the progress of the garden. :) There are 3 lettuce plants (in the "double-decker"), 3 tomato plants (all Heirlooms), 2 bell pepper plants, and 1 hot pepper plant (with seeds to be sown soon to join it!). This is my experiment. I have read and researched the internet and this seems to be a viable solution for gardening. It provides an excellent use for tires no longer roadworthy as well as a "raised bed" effect for even the single-decker tires. Easier for us older folks to prepare, plant, and harvest!

Comments are welcomed but please keep the "Redneck" references to yourselves. :)

Until next time!!!


melanie said...

well mary nell, redneck AND clever would really sum it up. hehehehehe

Mary Nell said...

LOL!!! I didn't think I would get away without at LEAST one Redneck comment. Sigh. :)