Monday, December 15, 2014


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!

Well, this is a mish-mash of stuff for your viewing.  The title, however, is based on the really stupid things people with a high blood-alcohol level do for fun.  More on that later.

A couple of items that caught my eye on walks.

If you have not yet been introduced to "Chef John" over at, I encourage you to check him out.  He has wonderfully humorous (and yummy!) recipe videos on YouTube.  I have tried a couple of his recipes but one of the best is the "Easy Homemade Pie Crust" filled with his Apple Pie filling recipe.  Check it out!  (I DO have the nutritional information but let's not discuss that here.)

Alrighty!  Ready for a little "Dumb and Dumber?"  Of course you are.

So... on a Wednesday evening, a couple of brothers apparently thought a little bar-hopping (or at-home celebration?) was in order.  After tanking up to a level of inebriation that is not allowed by law in conjunction with driving, they took off in the trusty pick-up truck.  Oh yeah.  That is the "Woo-Hoo!" part of this story.  A video camera trained on a locked gate recorded them ramming said gate a few times in an attempt to enter the property.  That didn't work.  They drove about and managed to drive out onto an airport runway.  Fortunately, we aren't talking about DFW or O'Hare here.  :)  Oh... and this is in a 1:00 a.m.+ time frame so we are early Thursday morning now.

What followed is open to interpretation but here are the facts... and photos.

Fact:  Pick-up headed northbound on runway.
Fact:  Pick-up brakes never applied.
Fact:  Pick-up rammed into a "locator" at north end of runway.
Fact:  Pick-up continued THROUGH the "locator", dragging a good portion of the equipment along with it, "flew" across a small drainage area, and finally "touched down" on the other side, creating substantial ruts in the grass with the tires.
Fact:  One of the brothers called the police.  (Is this really wise considering your condition and what you have just done?)
Fact:  Police had both taken to E.R. to be checked out.  Upon their release from the E.R. (only one had a minor "scrape" across one side of his face), both went directly to jail.  They did not pass GO.  They did not collect $200.

I think the pictures will tell you all else you need to know.  I have nothing further to tell.  Don't know the total damage to the pick-up... but the "locator" damage is going to likely run about $100K.  This, clearly, is the "Oops!!" part of the tale.

Why was no one decapitated in this alcohol-induced incident?  All I can point to is that whole thing about Drunks and Babies.  Look closely at the last photo for the tire ruts in the grass out past the pavement.

Some days you just have to wonder.

Until next post, have a terrific (and safe!) holiday season.