There are some things you can see (or hear) and even spend some time letting it sink in... but you still find yourself thinking "Tell me again... ??"
I have a few pictures to share that made me think exactly that. I offer you, my faithful readers, the opportunity to add a caption to any you find to be most interesting. There are definitely a couple that BEG for captioning!! I will publish your caption with the photo in a future post if you don't mind. :) Send 'em in!!
So... with all of that said, let's take a look, shall we? Let's start with the "Oh look! They have chickens." This is followed by "Oh look! Are those concrete?!?" (Lack of movement was a really big clue here!)
Then there is the Tell Me Again signage. Did you really not know the less-than-savory meaning of that combination of letters when you were having that GIANT sign made?
Until next post...