Saturday, May 29, 2010


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!!

Well, it's been a little while and I was unable to post for a few days there... but I'm back up and ready to provide you with an update. Sorry that's all I have... but there hasn't been much excitement around here lately. :) Not that there ever is... but I can occasionally make something exciting!

Okay... Here is the update promised in the Title!

The garden has been doing pretty well. I have given up on the lettuce which bolted early on. That's fine. I may throw a squash or something in the "double-decker!" :) There is still time. The overall view of what is being "tended" at present:

What the heck? There are three of them clustered together. There are a lot of little ones hanging around, too. Hmmmmmmm. OH! These are the spousal-unit's Anaheim peppers!! They are mature when they turn red. Wonder if they are going to get much bigger?!?!?!?!?!? Hadn't grown these before!

Both Cherokee Purple tomato plants have begun bearing fruit. Both have a couple of small tomatoes growing as well as plenty of flowers being happily pollinated by an assortment of buzzing, flying critters.

Then there are the "Three Amigos" that are the first fruits from the very first set of flowers on the larger Cherokee Purple plant!! I am watching these VERY closely!!

On a non-edible note, I decided to try growing a hibiscus this year. I had tried them in Texas but never had much success. News Flash! It's plenty hot and, more importantly, plenty humid here in Swampland! Today's bloom and tomorrow's bloom sit on the plant this morning.

With my inability to actually handle the yard work recently, the spousal-unit, God love him, pitched right in and hit the Murray to whip things into shape. Since this is NOT something he usually does (I'm very particular about my yard!) and he offered to do it to spare me, I can only say "Thank You!" for helping me out!! I will also mention I sent him this photo with the demand for $100 to keep it out of the blog. Clearly I have received no money. :) Love ya', honey, but your time is up!!!

Finally, on a serious note... as you hopefully enjoy this Memorial Day holiday with family and friends and barbeque and all of the good stuff... remember why you are lucky enough to enjoy this day off and all of the wonderful things that go with it. Many thousands of fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and more have sacrificed an incredible amount so that you... yes, you... can enjoy a day off. Unfortunately, too many have made the ultimate sacrifice. While you are enjoying your freedom to boat, fish, swim, barbeque, sail, travel... whatever you choose to do... please take a moment to thank a veteran, if you know one, or thank a service person, if you encounter one. Don't you think it's the very least you can do?

Be safe!! Until next time...

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