Monday, August 23, 2010


My dear Blogging Buddies... if any of you are still with me! I wouldn't blame you if you gave up and decided I had left the planet.

You probably recall my July post wishing that July was over and hoping that August would show improvement. Unfortunately, I cannot report that to be the case.

A rather unpleasant medical situation caused me to finally seek professional help here. I went to the doc on Friday the 13th (probably not my best decision) and was provided with heavy-duty medications to try to resolve the situation. I began taking them that Friday evening. No problem. No obvious issues. However, by Sunday afternoon, things weren't feeling quite right. Monday morning I began my usual stretching routine... only to have to call the spousal-unit for help getting up. I have been "down" since that Monday (16th) far more than I have been able to be "up." I have not been able to sit for more than 30 minutes and that causes more aches. I can stand but 2 hours is about the maximum before the aches begin. I have not left the house in 8 days and I'm afraid cabin fever is taking its toll. The poor spousal-unit has had to do everything... including helping out with my aunt's meals, etc. He has been such a trooper!!

Now then... what did I do to cause the aches? Hmmmmm? Well... quite honestly... nothing. In fact, while this aching is in an area where I have had problems for the past 20 years, it is NOT the same problem. The ache is different, located in a different area, and has not shown any sign of improvement in the way the other problem generally progresses. That is the problem. The lack of progress.

So... I broke down today and put a call in to the doctor who was the only one who would see me about the initial situation on Friday the 13th and am awaiting his return call. I read carefully through the side effect information about the medication he had prescribed. I have a sneaking suspicion this may be related to the meds but, obviously, I don't have any proof of that.

So... I am so sorry it has been such a long time since a "real" post from me. I appreciate those of you who have stayed with me and promise fun and frivolity in the future. Really!!! Don't give up on me. It's coming.

Until next time... your "gimpy" blogger... signing off.

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