Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Greetings, my Blogging Pals.

As I sit and check emails, I made the mistake of turning on the Cable News. Sigh. My fault. Is it just me... or are you all tired of this silliness that is supposed to be our government? What the heck is going on?!? Honestly. (Sorry. I know I'm preaching to the choir.)

First and foremost... I guarantee you that if I spend more money than I have in my checkbook, I don't get to print a bunch more!! Can any of you explain to me why it is that a body of (generally) highly-educated individuals (some attorneys, some doctors...) don't seem to understand that their spending should be limited to their "income" (which you and I are generously providing, I might add)? When I accept a job, I accept the income that will be received for that job. Period. I don't get to "borrow" income from someone else's paycheck. I don't get to use my fabulous HP All-In-One to generate more income. Nope. I simply learn to live within my means... or I deal with the ramifications of not doing so.

Secondly... when did a bill become a "Mexican combo platter" with not only the enchiladas but the tamale, the taco, the rice, the beans, the queso, and the pico de gallo? Does anyone else remember Schoolhouse Rock? Do you remember the ONE-PAGE Bill who sang about what it took to become a Law?

Okay. So it is a cartoon and it is likely that many Bills need more than one-page to cover everything... but I truly believe that 2,000+ pages is completely out-of-control. As has been pointed out, our Founding Fathers did not need anywhere near that many words to completely establish our government and its parameters (the Constitution). Do the current politicians have THAT much more to say? Hardly. I daresay the less they talk, the better I like them. Sigh. And quit tacking crap onto these things that are totally unrelated!!! Does any one of them have the kahunas to submit a bill stating that NOTHING can be attached to a bill? One bill - One cause. Period.

Okay. I'm done. I realize my whining doesn't really accomplish anything. However... I will tell you that I am going to follow up this post to my blog with a few emails to my elected representatives. Yep. They are going to hear from me. It will be short. It will be straight-to-the-point. It will be loud and clear. It may not do anything... but I will feel a lot better.

I hope you enjoyed the Schoolhouse Rock video. At least that makes sense!!! :)

Until next whine...

1 comment:

SW Austin Bubba said...

The Dems planned this all along. It's their way of throwing a temper tantrum! Pork it up real good then it won't pass in time, that way "they" can say the Republicans were blocking it. BLOCKING IT??? EXCUSE ME???? Don't they have a super majority in the House (until next year)??? The whole bunch needs to go and we start over new. The current bozo's are totally clueless and are like a bunch of kids in a sandbox!