Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hello again, Blogging Buddies!  Welcome back!

Have a few unrelated things to share with you.  Hope you can enjoy at least one of them!

It is the end of January.  The weather has been absolutely lovely with plenty of rain since November.  Unfortunately, that can sometimes "fool" the flora into believing it's time to shine!!  Just in case we have a big freeze in February, I wanted to capture the beauty of the "early-bird" blooms.

Do you sometimes wonder about town names?  Where did they come from?  Were they always that name?  How did they get that name?  I have some answers for you on at least one place in Louisiana.  Study the following!
Now then... I'm not going to say that Louisiana is a big Starbucks mecca.  However... people here take their java VERY seriously!!  This is clearly demonstrated here.  I know you have all seen gasoline tankers, milk tankers, and maybe some other tankers... but I'm betting you have never seen a Coffee Tanker!!!  (Okay.  I can't promise you there is really coffee in there... but you just never know!)

Alright.  I know.  This post is a little out-of-the-ordinary.  But the beauty of paying attention to what is around you even when you are doing the most mundane things is that you find these little jewels!!  I hope you enjoyed them.

Until next post...

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