When we relocated here from Austin, Texas, I felt a little more comfortable about the lack of potential for crime, vandalism, etc. After all, we were leaving a city of 650,000+ for a town of about 10,000. Don't misunderstand me... there are crimes here and bad things happen to good people just like anywhere else. I still lock all of my doors and keep the gates on the fence locked. I still lock my vehicle at night. Most of that is simply habit. But I honestly felt like there was less potential for any difficulty here. In fact... when I was working so hard on the front yard to try to improve the property, the spousal-unit was helping me to hang my Gecko on the exterior garage wall. There was a perfect spot for it and I thought it would add interest. I hesitated briefly when we were hanging it and asked him, "You don't think anyone would steal it, do you?" We both agreed that it was unlikely and moved forward.
Tonight as I type this, I am awaiting the arrival of a city police officer to take a report on my now-missing Gecko. While I have little hope of recovering it, I want to at least make the local department aware there is theft occurring in my area. Perhaps there are others who have had items go missing. I don't know. I just know I am deeply saddened by the loss of my "critter" who has been with me for a number of years. I am even more saddened knowing that tomorrow morning my spousal-unit will be moving all "yard art" items from the front yard to the back. The worst of it is not knowing whether I will be able to find a replacement or not. Just a minute... there is the officer. I'll be back.
I'm back. The officer who arrived was a very nice young man... and the nephew of a childhood pal!! Yep. It's a very small world, isn't it? Especially here. He will make a report. I provided him with a copy of the picture I am posting below (as a fond farewell to my Gecko) for his report.
So... it is with sadness and a heavy heart I bid a fond farewell to my Gecko. He was a wonderful addition to my yard and a joy for me to see every time I pulled into the driveway. I will miss him greatly. I have also become more suspicious of every car driving down the street and less trusting of anyone who even slows to look at my yard. How sad.
Until next time, my Blogging Buddies...