Saturday, September 19, 2009


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!! Long time no type. (Mea culpa.)

Let's see. What has been happening here in "Big D?" Hmmmmm.

Well, I was invited to be a guest at the local Supper Club. The "suppers" are held once a month at the Beauregard Country Club (featuring an 18-hole golf course, tennis courts, and pool!). I was pleased to be invited as I would be joining my pals, Faux Auntie Jo and Marty, for the festivities. Faux Auntie Jo was the co-host along with Debbie & Mike. The theme was Western and they certainly looked the part!!

Marty & Faux Auntie Jo were kind enough to model two different denim washes for the occasion!

There was not a prize for the best attire for the theme but if there had been, Angela would definitely have won it hands down!! She mentioned something about having worked in Dallas before with a boss who had a real ranch and that employees were expected to be in proper attire for the occasions held there. Hmmmmmm?

After dinner (and dessert!), Charlie provided some after-dinner entertainment with a joke for the crowd.

It was a good time as I was able to visit with some folks I would not necessarily encounter otherwise. Many of the attendees were parents of some of my high school pals and it was great to see them! I was able to visit with Dr. and Mrs. K at our table. Dr. K was the town veterinarian when I was growing up. He took wonderful care of our two "mutts", Skippy and Spot, over the years. I will always hold him in a place of honor in my heart.

Alrighty. On another note entirely, I have to tell you about something I would not believe had I not witnessed it myself.

The house we are in sits about mid-way on a LOOOOOONG straight street that runs between the road to the airport (yes, the Beauregard Regional Airport to be exact!) and the major East/West highway though town. It is not really heavily trafficked... but early morning and late evening "rush hours" (I am using that term loosely!) do have a good number of vehicles passing by. Try to picture this: Our driveway sits at the convergence of 3 stop signs. The road we are on runs perpendicular to the driveway. There is a second road that dead-ends into our road just very slightly south of our driveway and on the opposite side of our road. Aw heck... look at the pic:

I am stopped at the stop sign on the street that dead-ends at the house. You can see the northbound stop sign to the right of the picture. The southbound stop sign is to the left just out of view. As I sit at my computer, I am looking out a front window that allows me to see folks stop (or NOT stop which is about as frequent) at the stop sign for those headed north on our street. About 45% actually come to a full stop. About 40% tap their brakes to give the appearance they are thinking about (but not) stopping, and about 15% (primarily those under the age of 21 from what I have seen) simply push the accelerator a little harder in order to "blow" the stop sign at a higher rate of speed.

Okay. So the other day, I was sitting at my computer working on something of very little import when I noticed movement outside the window. I looked out and observed a rider on horseback heading north on our street. To my absolute astonishment and extreme amusement, this gentleman pulled back on the reins and brought his steed to a complete stop prior to gigging the horse to start up again. I nearly fell out of my office chair!!! Who would have thunk it?!?!?!? I promise you, if I were you, I would think I were lying!! It happened. Truth is stranger than fiction, my blogging buddies. Honestly.

Well, that's pretty much it for today. I know I still owe you the tale about my interview at the Correctional Facility! I'll save that for another day.

Hope you all are well!! Until next time...

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