Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello, Blogging Buddies. Look out. I'm on my soapbox again. Sigh.

So... I didn't mention this last year when it actually happened... I don't think. (Don't ask me to remember that far back.) But... now that essentially the exact same thing has happened to me yet again, I feel compelled to rant about it.

Last year, after moving into our mid-70s Louisiana house, I thought I would check out prices for replacing the horrid, stained, original cultured marble bathroom vanities/sinks as well as the incredibly-difficult-to-clean white tile countertops and nasty, damaged composite sink in the kitchen. I called a local firm, explained what I was interested in, and was told it would be just great if I sent sketches, dimensions, and pictures. I cleared everything off, measured twice (and three times on one occasion), sketched out, photographed, and conveniently packed all of this information into a ZIP file which I sent off to the young lady who had assured me this would be all that was necessary. I received a response from her the very next day, 9/21/2009, advising that the pictures were very good (thank you) and she would forward the information to "the company" (whoever or whatever that is!) and have an estimate for me as soon as possible. Let's see. On June 21st, we will be 9 months into this. I have not heard a single word... I have not received a single written/typed word... I have not heard a thing. (Can you hear that pin dropping?!?!?!?!?)

Okay. Let's just not bother with those people ever again. (I can assure you I won't!) So... on Monday the 7th of this month (9 days ago), I stopped into a local store to inquire about sink prices. The gentleman there must have said "I don't know anything about that stuff... I do the air-conditioning work" about 19 times while I was there with him. I finally told him I would just write out my name, telephone number, and the details (size, configuration, type) on the sinks I would like prices on. He breathed a huge sigh of relief as I wrote my information down and assured me he would give it to P---- as soon as she returned and she would call me. Of course you all know what has happened... or not happened which is the reality. No phone call. Haven't heard a word. Haven't gotten a call. It appears there is yet one more firm in this town that has so much business it can select what calls to return and which to not return. Good for them!!! In the current economy and while this poor state deals with what is going to be a HUGE economic impact with the oil spill, these firms apparently are just rolling in dough. They do not need me. They have made that clear.

So... all I ask of you each is to NOT EVER treat YOUR customers (or potential customers) in such a shoddy manner and that each of you NOT put up with treatment like this. If you don't hear from them, don't beg them to call you. I assure you there is another firm, another person, another way you can achieve your desired result. Please don't make this behavior acceptable by working with people who exhibit it.

Thank you. I feel much better now. I hope you don't encounter this but I am afraid there are many more firms out there treating people this same way.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Joe Gimenez said...

You make such a great point here Mary Nell. People need to show up! I had a job where I needed a designer. I researched several contacts on websites, sent emails to five or so, and got 1 reply. Guess who I went with? And I have been very happy with him ever since. He shows up. 90 percent of success in life is showing up. Too bad more people haven't figured that out. thanks for voicing one of my pet peeves.

And take care in LA! Love the blog!
