Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Gobble, Gobble, my Blogging Buddies!!

Thanksgiving is upon us. It's that time of year when overeating seems to be the norm and desserts are as numerous as side dishes! (For a quick review of dessert, see my Annual Baking Moment from last year. Yes, I repeated it this year.)

As I sit here typing, there are several things I can think of for which I am thankful. This seems as good a time as any to review them.

I am thankful to be alive and to be enjoying the privilege of living in America. It ain't perfect... but it's the best place on the planet.

I am thankful for my spousal-unit who is just a pure rock. I'm not sure what shape I would be in today were it not for him standing faithfully by my side.

I am thankful for the lack of alligators in my particular back yard. While I don't know anyone who really has them, I do know they are never too far away!

I am thankful for the caregivers who remain with my aunt. You can read more about them in a prior blog. If you didn't read about them in 2009, take a moment to read it.

I am thankful for all of the good things in my life and for how much joy they have given me. I am also thankful for the bad things as I have learned from each of them.

I am thankful that there are a WHOLE lot more warm days in the south than cold ones!! I am thankful for the occasional cold one (day, that is) so some of the bugs will be killed without my having to step on them.

I am thankful for my Louisiana friends who welcomed me back as if I had never left.

I am thankful for television shows that run over and over and over again. It allows me to view them in "pieces" rather than all at once.

Finally, I am thankful for those of you who stay with me and read my little moments of insanity without judging me... too much. :)

I'm done for now. As you are biting into that piece of pumpkin pie that you will not admit to eating, I invite you to comment on this post with something for which you are thankful (other than the pumpkin pie). I would enjoy reading about what YOU consider thankworthy. You can comment anonymously if you would rather. :)

Have a lovely Thanksgiving night wherever you are. Thank you for reading.

Until next post...


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for having so many wonderful people in my life that love me and that I love back. Thanksgiving day does make us all think about our blessings. Life is sweet and we should try to be just as thankful on August 3 are we are on the third thursday in November.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell you that I am thankful for the alligator who lives in my backyard. He gives me constant enjoyment when I watch him swimming by. He suns on a log with the turtles, loves the fountain that refreshes the lake and endlessly patrols my little part of the lake. He is about 6 ft. long and everyone in my subdivision is sure he will eat their dogs and maybe their small children. There is a strong sentiment to get rid of him by trapping and killing him, but every time I see him I am so happy that he is safe and hope he is wily enough not to be caught. To each his own. Happy Thanksgiving.

Kathy said...

I am Kathy Williams.

I am thankful for a son like Ron. He and Mary are there for us always.

I am thankful for two great daughters that are for Paul and I always.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. If it were not for Him I would not be here today.

I am thankful for a Father and Mother (now deceased) Rev & Mrs Hal Anderson that brought me up so well and my sisters and brother.

There are many more things to be thankful for but later.