Thursday, June 14, 2012


... and it ain't gonna' change!!

I ran into a former high school pal the other day.  Joey G. was doing a little work in front of the old local Elementary School building which was re-purposed a number of years ago although I'm never quite sure of its new purpose.  It was an opportunity for us to catch up a bit so we sat and chatted for a few minutes.

During our chat, I questioned him about the building and what was happening with it.  That led to an entire conversation about several old buildings in town that are either standing vacant or are being used but are all in serious need of renovation.  There are a few architecturally interesting buildings right downtown.  Several of the old storefronts have been re-purposed as new shop storefronts or offices.  Others have been torn down.  To the town's credit, there have been a few improvements along the railroad track that divides the town so it is far more attractive and functional, but they are primarily cosmetic in a landscaping context.

What Joey and I finally determined, however, was that the town's motto should be: "It's not going to happen and it ain't gonna' change!"  He informed me of the plethora of discussions that had taken place over the years regarding what to do with some of the buildings about which we were talking.  He also told me that some of the purposes he and I thought would be good ideas had been struck down by many in the past.  Not that we are the world's most fabulous city planners... but we were at least thinking outside of the box!  Without anyone willing to try something, it is guaranteed that nothing will happen.  Sigh.  So be it.  I think our suggested motto hits the nail on the head.

On another note entirely, I was at my friend's (Susan S.) home the other day.  She grows a few herbs including dill.  She was very excited to show me the little "visitors" that had taken up residence on the dill plants.  I thought they were VERY cool and that you might want to see them, too!  Please meet the Black Swallowtail butterfly family's young'uns!

The good news today is that we have had two lovely, consecutive days with rain!! YAY!!!  Hopefully that will perk things back up that had begun looking just a bit droopy from the heat and the dryness.  Always good to get rain during the hot months.

Thank you for staying with me and reading!!

Until next post...

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