Monday, October 7, 2013


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!

Yes... I have been remiss.  It has been far too long since my last post.  I have captured a lot of photos for you of various things (including a couple of signs I know you will appreciate!) but just have not found the time to sit down and post.  The fact that my poor old 10+ year old computer has slowed to about MY pace doesn't help!

At any rate... one of the things that had been keeping the spousal-unit VERY busy during most of September was the Annual Fly-In/Cruise-In at the airport.

So... this year the main attraction was a P-51C Mustang operated by the Commemorative Air Force's Red Tail Squadron.  If you are not familiar with the Tuskegee Airmen and their Red Tail planes, you need to review that information!!  Click on the links in the previous sentence and learn something important about our nation.  There was also a Traveling Exhibit, "Rise Above", which was a short documentary about the Tuskegee Airmen and the man who wanted to be sure their contributions were never forgotten.  It was excellent and showed in a semi-trailer with a 180 degree screen and great sound.  It was in town four days prior to the actual Saturday event and many children were bused to the airport to view it.  I hope they took away the key point which was that you should always persevere toward your dreams and not allow anyone to tell you you can't achieve them.  Good message for all of us.

I was fortunate enough to get a little "sneak preview" of the aircraft the evening before the event as she got her "beauty-rest" in the hangar.

The most exciting part?  There was a raffle to WIN A RIDE in this fabulous plane!!!  How many tickets did I buy?  I'm not telling you.  However, I did not win the flight.  The drawing was held at 1:00 and the winning ticket was drawn by a 94-year old veteran who had been a Crew Chief for both P-38s and P-51s during WWII.  What an honor to have him there.  And, in case you were wondering, he told me the only problem he had was with his legs which would not hold him up long enough!!!  Yep.  He's in better shape than most of us.  He retired from KCS Railroad after being an engineer after the War.  What a guy!

Without further ado, the winner was announced!  It was a young lady who went absolutely ballistic when her name was called.  There was screaming and wailing and mega-excitement in the air.  After signing the paperwork required, she piled into the back seat of the plane and the ride began.  Taxi, run-up, then take-off!!!

It was a good, long ride, lasting about 30 minutes.  We lost sight of them but the young lady was absolutely ecstatic upon their return so I know she thoroughly enjoyed it!  Good for her!

Oh.  Before I forget, there were some great cars, too.  A few that I particularly enjoyed:

So... that has ended and our weather has turned cooler for now.  What a relief!  Looks like this week is going to be just stellar.

Until next post...

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