Monday, September 1, 2014


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!

It has been a bit exciting around here the last week of August.  I will provide you with some detail... all weather-related!

On Monday, August 25th, we had a little storm roll through in the late afternoon.  That isn't really unusual for this area due to the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico (bringing in high moisture levels) and the time of year (plenty of heat!).  This little storm, however, was a bit more than usual.  Very heavy winds and lightning made it interesting.  It went through very quickly but what it left behind took a little longer to clear up!

Little limbs and branches down in the front yard.

Larger items (pine trees!) down on the golf course.

Oh yeah... and the electric company's worker the spousal-unit flagged down after the power pole & transformer in our back yard lit up and remained smoldering... with just a little flame for the excitement level.  Oh boy.

A little clean-up of small items down in the yard and things were pretty much okay again.  Nothing unusual and the rain we got was really appreciated... albeit an awful lot in a short time!

I had signed up for the "advanced" furniture painting class at Haven Home Furnishings.  It was scheduled for Saturday, August 30th.  No problem.  It rained overnight Friday night and continued into Saturday.  The class was in Lake Charles, LA, about 45 minutes south of where I am.  The problem with Lake Charles is it is very low and has a tendency to flood in a lot of areas when there are heavy rains.  Hmmmm.  It had been raining all night here and I figured it was raining there, too, but I struck out at 8:30 a.m. for my 10:00 a.m. class, hoping to make a quick Starbucks run before class.  Perhaps I was just a wee bit too optimistic?
After surveying the situation and noting the vehicles that were stranded, I struck out very slowly to the light where I made my turn and proceeded to class.  Skipped Starbucks for the morning (but made it there at the end of the day!) to avoid any further "swimming" through Lake Charles.  The interesting news?  Lake Charles hit a new record rainfall that day... 7.87 inches.  Uh-huh.  Go figure.

After the crazy weather, seems like the "critters" needed to get busy.  The spousal-unit spotted this little fella' so I caught a couple of pics.  I have found about 3-4 more just like him throughout the back yard.

This morning's walk found this critter out as busy as a... well, it's pretty obvious.  :)

So... August has ended and September begins.  I hope all of you had a fun-filled and safe Labor Day!  I'm plotting what project to tackle with my new-found painting skills.  I'll keep you posted on that.

Thanks, as always, for reading!  Until next post...

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