Friday, December 31, 2010
LOOK OUT 2011!!!
Thank you for visiting with me this year. I hope you'll stay for 2011, as well. :)
As I sit here on New Year's Eve, knowing I won't make it anywhere near midnight before I fall soundly asleep, I find myself thinking of things over the past year and since I have returned to Louisiana. I'll share some of them with you now.
I will confess that I still miss my local Starbucks on Escarpment in Austin where I felt like "Norm" from "Cheers" when I walked in. Multiple "Hi, Mary!"s chorused from behind the bar. "Give me your cup" was a common theme even when the line was long for me to pay (I always took in my personal travel cup). My preference was known and the folks were friendly. But... in place of my beloved Starbucks, I have found "Get Healthy", a local establishment where the regular folks behind the counter now know my preferred drink and the food is really excellent (I confess to a love for the "muffalini", a muffaletta in panini form that is FABulous!). They also carry a number of health supplements and good advice. It's small and cozy and I enjoy meeting a friend there for the occasional afternoon coffee break in addition to the lunches enjoyed there.
I will confess that I very much miss my best friend of over 30 years with whom I would spend great times. We would make every small theatre group play that our friends were involved in (with one frequently directing while the other frequently acted). Before those plays, we would stop in at a local Austin eatery for a wonderful dinner and bottle of wine before walking to the theatre. We would take a day when spring began peeking out to hit a winery tour run to the west of Austin, stopping wherever we saw a winery sign and catching some shopping and a fun lunch somewhere in Fredericksburg or maybe Marble Falls before returning home with our treasures. But... while I still miss my best friend, I have been incredibly fortunate in renewing previous friendships here as well as making a new friend or two. There is a small group (4 of us) who try to catch a lunch at least once a month or better. It's called "Herding Cats" since the 2 who are gainfully employed have pretty hefty work schedules and matching up calendars is sometimes difficult. There is another friend who has had some very difficult challenges in 2010 who I don't see as often as I would like but who remains in my heart. I am hopeful that 2011 will allow her to spend a little more time with me when possible.
I will confess that I really miss my walking buddy in my old 'hood. Even on the mornings I just really wanted to lie in bed, I knew I had to get up and get ready. Ginny would be waiting out front at 7:00 a.m. SHARP! She lived across the cul-de-sac from me and became such a great pal. We shared a love of landscaping and spent some great times at one of the local nurseries together. We would admire each other's newest addition as if it were a baby in a blanket!! :) (Maybe that's why they call the plant places "nurseries", too?) We talked and talked during our approximately 50 minutes together each weekday morning. We solved MANY of the world's problems during these times... even though the world didn't know it. But... I found it was easy to not walk since there was no one waiting for me. That was to my detriment. So, I am now paying for the lack of exercise but am happy to report that I returned to my walking regimen about 2 months ago and have found that, even without her walking next to me, I can still chat with Ginny in my head!! I know her well enough to know what our conversations would be about (usually current events) and that we would likely agree on the solution. While I miss seeing her, I can still enjoy her!
I will confess that I truly miss the anonymity that a big city affords one! While I knew the first names of the folks in my cul-de-sac in Austin, I only knew Ginny's last name. When I went to my local H.E.B. (large grocery store), I could do every bit of my shopping without running into anyone I knew. I knew to not have a private conversation in a public place (and still do!) but it was not likely anyone I knew would overhear it even if I did. But... even while it is disconcerting that folks I don't really know well tell me "Oh, I know where you live." here, it is also comforting to get phone calls checking on how I'm doing from folks who know when the spousal-unit is in Texas on his monthly run. It is also nice to see folks in the grocery store who I might not otherwise run into here. It is somewhat of a giving up of my privacy... but in a relatively reassuring environment.
I will confess that I do miss the ability to hop in the car and make a quick run to grab things from Home Depot, PetSmart, Whole Foods, Chico's, Central Market, Bed,Bath, & Beyond, Costco, or Sam's, or to make a quick run to the mall to catch the shoe sale at Nordstrom's. The ease with which I could make those runs allowed me to not plan too far ahead!! But... while I don't have easy access to all of them, there is a Home Depot, PetSmart, BB&B, and Sam's within an hour's drive. Those trips give me a chance to chat with the spousal-unit for about an hour down and about an hour back. Since we can both hang out in the same house without chatting for quite some time, it is nice to have that "forced" interaction which I enjoy. (I won't speak for him but he hasn't jumped out of the moving vehicle on one of those trips yet.)
So... there are lots of other things I could cover here but I think you should have the point by now. I miss a lot of things that I became used to during my 37 years in Austin. What I have found, though, is there are other things that can help make up for the things I miss. Understand they don't "replace" the things I miss... but they help make the loss a little easier to bear.
As I look toward a new year, I know I will continue to discover things I miss... but am also confident I will discover something that helps make it not so bad. :)
I wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year!!!
Until next post...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
As I sit and check emails, I made the mistake of turning on the Cable News. Sigh. My fault. Is it just me... or are you all tired of this silliness that is supposed to be our government? What the heck is going on?!? Honestly. (Sorry. I know I'm preaching to the choir.)
First and foremost... I guarantee you that if I spend more money than I have in my checkbook, I don't get to print a bunch more!! Can any of you explain to me why it is that a body of (generally) highly-educated individuals (some attorneys, some doctors...) don't seem to understand that their spending should be limited to their "income" (which you and I are generously providing, I might add)? When I accept a job, I accept the income that will be received for that job. Period. I don't get to "borrow" income from someone else's paycheck. I don't get to use my fabulous HP All-In-One to generate more income. Nope. I simply learn to live within my means... or I deal with the ramifications of not doing so.
Secondly... when did a bill become a "Mexican combo platter" with not only the enchiladas but the tamale, the taco, the rice, the beans, the queso, and the pico de gallo? Does anyone else remember Schoolhouse Rock? Do you remember the ONE-PAGE Bill who sang about what it took to become a Law?
Okay. So it is a cartoon and it is likely that many Bills need more than one-page to cover everything... but I truly believe that 2,000+ pages is completely out-of-control. As has been pointed out, our Founding Fathers did not need anywhere near that many words to completely establish our government and its parameters (the Constitution). Do the current politicians have THAT much more to say? Hardly. I daresay the less they talk, the better I like them. Sigh. And quit tacking crap onto these things that are totally unrelated!!! Does any one of them have the kahunas to submit a bill stating that NOTHING can be attached to a bill? One bill - One cause. Period.
Okay. I'm done. I realize my whining doesn't really accomplish anything. However... I will tell you that I am going to follow up this post to my blog with a few emails to my elected representatives. Yep. They are going to hear from me. It will be short. It will be straight-to-the-point. It will be loud and clear. It may not do anything... but I will feel a lot better.
I hope you enjoyed the Schoolhouse Rock video. At least that makes sense!!! :)
Until next whine...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Things here in the swampland have cooled off and have certainly been getting dark early!! :) I wish they would not mess with our time. I believe the original reason for the DST we now deal with might have been logical... but it doesn't make sense any longer. Could we just stay on Standard time from now on? Please?? Geez!!
Alright. With the cooling, a few things have been happening here. One of them is the coloring of some of the trees. While I admit Austin, TX has a limited amount of color in the fall, I will say there is more here than I expected. Neighbors on both sides have trees that have turned lovely shades... one red... one yellow.
Very nice.
I also have heard from one of those "we were in kindergarten together!" pals recently. She was the bearer of very excellent news. Her daughter gave birth to twin boys on September 11th and, while they did have to spend some time in the hospital since they were a bit early, they were both home before Thanksgiving. Now if that isn't something to be thankful for, I don't really know what is!! For those of you who attended kindergarten with me (and 12 grades past that!), the grandmother is Gail B. The photo is of her daughter, Andi, with the two bambinos... Andrew Bennett Christopher and Devan Taylor Christopher. Congratulations, Grandma Gail!!

Not too much to report on today. Thanksgiving has come and gone (although the extra poundage does not seem to have followed Thanksgiving out!) and I guess Christmas is coming up much faster than expected. Oh... speaking of Christmas... the Beauregard Community Action Association has an "Angel Tree" outside of its front door at 104 West Port Street (where North Washington seems to dead-end). Take a moment... go pull an angel or two off of that tree... and provide a child (or two) with some Christmas gifts they may not otherwise receive. It will help take the "Bah Humbug!" out of Christmas for you... really. :)
So... with all that said... until next post...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving is upon us. It's that time of year when overeating seems to be the norm and desserts are as numerous as side dishes! (For a quick review of dessert, see my Annual Baking Moment from last year. Yes, I repeated it this year.)
As I sit here typing, there are several things I can think of for which I am thankful. This seems as good a time as any to review them.
I am thankful to be alive and to be enjoying the privilege of living in America. It ain't perfect... but it's the best place on the planet.
I am thankful for my spousal-unit who is just a pure rock. I'm not sure what shape I would be in today were it not for him standing faithfully by my side.
I am thankful for the lack of alligators in my particular back yard. While I don't know anyone who really has them, I do know they are never too far away!
I am thankful for the caregivers who remain with my aunt. You can read more about them in a prior blog. If you didn't read about them in 2009, take a moment to read it.
I am thankful for all of the good things in my life and for how much joy they have given me. I am also thankful for the bad things as I have learned from each of them.
I am thankful that there are a WHOLE lot more warm days in the south than cold ones!! I am thankful for the occasional cold one (day, that is) so some of the bugs will be killed without my having to step on them.
I am thankful for my Louisiana friends who welcomed me back as if I had never left.
I am thankful for television shows that run over and over and over again. It allows me to view them in "pieces" rather than all at once.
Finally, I am thankful for those of you who stay with me and read my little moments of insanity without judging me... too much. :)
I'm done for now. As you are biting into that piece of pumpkin pie that you will not admit to eating, I invite you to comment on this post with something for which you are thankful (other than the pumpkin pie). I would enjoy reading about what YOU consider thankworthy. You can comment anonymously if you would rather. :)
Have a lovely Thanksgiving night wherever you are. Thank you for reading.
Until next post...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Well, I reported on last year's "Wings and Wheels Fly-In/Drive-In" and it was so much fun, we went to this year's!! Thought I'd let you take a peek at some of the things we saw there. Get Ready! I'm about to overwhelm you with photos!!
I'm going to show you my favorites. There were a number of planes there and I have more photos than you'll see here... but I have narrowed the field down.
First, the airplanes that have been or are involved in keeping our country free and safe!
The Army's Cessna O-1 Bird Dog:
The Navy's North American T-28 Trojan:
Okay. You can't really see the plane. Go to the link and view some photos!! I was just happy I was able to actually capture the little guy in the middle of the frame (it's the little dot) as it was doing a flyover at the event!! I present the Air Force's Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II (AKA "Warthog"):
I have two shots of this plane as it is so fascinating to me. As it was taxiing from the runway to its place at the event, the wings were slowly being lifted hydraulically to the position you see them in in the photos. Very high-tech for its time. These were used on aircraft carriers and the ability to bring up the wings allowed for more airplane per square foot! Pretty darned cool. I present to you the Navy's Chance Vought F4U Corsair:
Finally, there was an Army Air Corp's Curtiss P-40 Warhawk:
Alrighty. Those are my babies. Let's take a look at a few regular ol' private planes that are cool!
The Stearman twins were back again this year!! (I LOVE THESE GUYS!)The Civil Air Patrol is alive and well, creating interest among the young'uns in flying!
This "little tiger" was just too cute for words:
The hangar at the Beauregard Parish Regional Airport is very old and really beautifully built. The photo below is a detail shot of the ceiling of the hangar. It is wood and in excellent shape. It really is an impressive structure to visit!
I may find myself without a grilled meal for a while after sharing the following with you... but it's just too good to pass up. :) The first pic is of the Beauregard/DeRidder SWAT team vehicle. (Didn't think we would have one here in Mayberry, did you?!?!?) The second pic is of the spousal-unit providing information to one of the fine SWAT team members on one of the weapons they were showing off to the kiddies.
Finally... this area, with Fort Polk so near, is extremely patriotic and appreciative of service members, past and present. That is one thing I really appreciate about where I find myself. This year, I noticed a plaque in the ground just below the flagpole at the airport. I wanted to see what it read and why it was there. Both servicemen were stationed at Fort Polk. On this Veterans' Day, 2010, I leave you with a reminder of what sacrifices have been made over so many years and so many wars to keep us a free nation.
Sgt. Andrew W. Brown
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The first thing I want to provide to you is yet another thing that makes me go "HUH?!?" You decide exactly how one should approach this crossing and signage. Anyone with a coherent explanation may feel free to provide it!! :)
Alrighty then.
The Four Winds Tribe 11th Annual Pow-Wow was held here recently. This tribe is primarily Cherokee. It was a small gathering, not at all on the scale of the annual Pow-Wow in Austin, but it was still fun to attend. The following are photos from the event.
Gourd Dancing: Woven Blankets for sale:
Clothing & Jewelry for sale:
Finally, this flutist was playing a carved wooden flute. It was very haunting and beautiful to hear. There were several available to purchase:
So... while it was on a small scale, it was still very lovely to attend. The gourd dancing was interesting to watch. The drum beaters were very focused and made a wonderful background to stroll through the vendors' offerings.
Stay tuned. The 4th Wings & Wheels Fly-in/Drive-in is this weekend and I will have photos from that event soon! You can see last year's photos and commentary by clicking here.
Until next post...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Some of you may recall a post from the past titled "Things That Make Me Go 'Huh'." The subject there was a pecan vending machine that offered up an entire pecan pie!!
Well... there is apparently no lack of things that can be identified with a resounding "Huh?" I offer up a couple of those things for your consideration... in case you might have missed them on your own. :)
First of all, my friend, Jo B., who provided me with the "Voo Doo BBQ & Grill" photo in the past, continues to keep her eyes open and her mind clear to identify those things she believes to be blogworthy. Thank you, Jo!! Her most recent contribution is the sign below which was outside of a CVS Pharmacy in the capitol of this fine state, home of the LSU Tigers. She was walking to a game featuring those fine Bengals when she encountered the sign. Her specific comment about it was "I’m sure that folks who live there know what this is about but I can only speculate." I am going to agree that speculation is the only reasonable thing to do here. Talk amongst yourselves!
Sometimes the "Huh?" things are a little more difficult to find... but my spousal-unit dug up such a gem!! Thank you, Dear!! He picked up a "Louisiana Hunting Regulations 2010-2011" magazine to browse it. It included Wildlife Management Area regulations. He has been to a number of these WMAs as we are literally surrounded by them! As you all can expect, the entire thing is written pretty much in what we like to refer to as "legalese" meaning the sentences are long, the thoughts are rambling, and I would have had to attend additional years of schoolin' to interpret the meaning. At any rate, he encountered a small section titled "Methods of Taking Deer" which addressed what type of weaponry was allowed (and what wasn't), the no-no of using aircraft (!), automobiles, or other land vehicles to take Bambi, and when you could use your dawg to help you out with hunting down that dangerous creature (Bambi) including what type of ID said dawg should have on its four-legged self. *Chuckle* Okay. I'm smiling. But the following paragraph (note it is one sentence!) was cause for out-loud rollicking laughter:
"It is illegal to take deer while deer are swimming or while the hunter is in a boat with motor attached in operating position; however the restrictions in this paragraph shall not apply to any person who has lost one or more limbs."
HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm not even going to speculate on the conversation amongst the powers-that-be about the situation that led them to include this paragraph. Nope. Not gonna' do it. You can't make me.
Alright. I will leave you with an "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" moment. My friend, Susan S., and her spousal-unit were hanging at their second home which provides them the opportunity to do some biking. She emailed me and mentioned they were about to head out and that the "boyz" were going to be joining them. I asked for a photo of that as I knew it would provide many of you with a smile. With no further ado, I present "Spicer" on the left and "Spritzer" on the right, preparing for their bike ride.

There you have it. A few comments. A couple of pics. That's it for now. Thanks again for dropping by... and remember to VOTE!!!
Until next post...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My friend, Jo B., did a little of her own research and was able to find a site that provides extensive information on the ten (10) proposed Louisiana Constitutional Amendments. I guess it's harder to get information on people than on things those people want to change!! :)
So... if you're voting in Louisiana, take a moment to at least educate yourself on the proposed Amendments at this site. If you aren't in Louisiana... I reckon you don't care!
Thanks to Jo B. for her input. I always appreciate a little help!!
Until next post...
Monday, October 11, 2010
My friend, Jo B., attempted to locate information for Louisiana election races. She followed the instructions at the web site I provided in the last post and got nothing! I went to the site and attempted to locate candidate info for Louisiana. Nothing. The only assumption I can make is that Louisiana did not participate in the candidate information gathering process. I don't know whether that is a local process (the Louisiana League of Women Voters main organization is in Baton Rouge) or a national one (which I doubt since it would be rather daunting!).
I did find some very pathetic information (name, rank, and serial number, basically!) on Louisiana candidates at the Louisiana Secretary of State web site but I don't suggest you waste your time there.
My apologies to my Louisiana pals. I was trying to be helpful and have probably generated more frustration than anything else. So much for good intentions.
I still urge you to educate yourself on these candidates before voting!!! Nearly every candidate will have his/her own web site with information although it will obviously be slanted based on his/her opinions. You can at least get an idea of a given candidate's background, typically on an "About Me" page on the web site. If the candidate is a current elected official, you can locate their voting record online (web sites depend on whether it is federal or state). Type the candidate's last name and "voting record" into your search engine (EX: "Vitter voting record") and do a little scanning. You shouldn't have any trouble finding the place you can obtain the information.
Whatever you do... VOTE!!
Until next post...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A quick update on the neurosurgeon visit last Friday. There is apparently light at the end of the tunnel regarding lower back issues. Doc sez the problem is a facet joint problem. That beats some other problems it could have been!! There is a need for additional tests to confirm and isolate. Seems we will be heading back to Alexandria for a CT scan and for "Bending X-Rays", however those are accomplished! :) The doc's office should be calling Monday to provide appointment date/time. If the facet joint is confirmed as the culprit, there are three possible options to resolve the problem, none of which are scary. So... I consider the visit a good one and the news to be good, as well. I will keep you posted but spare you the boring details. :)
Alright. We are approaching the mid-term elections. I cannot stress to you how important it is that you exercise your privilege to vote. I know it is sometimes difficult to know who to vote for when you don't know the candidates. I hope you would NOT vote in a particular race if you weren't informed rather than just pick a party. I can solve a little of that problem for you. Before you head to the polls, take a few moments to visit the League of Women Voters web site. It's not just for women. They compile information on the candidates for the races and provide it to you conveniently online. They do not endorse any single individual. It is a truly non-partisan compilation of candidates' answers to the same questions that are relevant to the race. Here is what you need to do to find the information you need:
1) Go to
2) Look for the block that says "On Your Ballot"
3) Select your state and click "Go"
4) Choose to either "Build My Ballot" or "Personalize My Ballot" (you will get the same result)
5) Fill in your address information requested (need the 9-digit zip code!) and click "Go"
6) Follow the instructions to get to a listing of candidates that will be on YOUR ballot
1) Go to
2) Enter your address information
3) Click "Submit"
4) Your full 9-digit zip code will appear!!
So... become an informed voter. Please don't inadvertently vote for someone with whom you wouldn't necessarily agree. If you just aren't satisfied, skip voting for a particular race!
Finally, an apology. The Beauregard Parish Fair was this past week. (Click on the link and scroll down to read the four separate posts from 2009.) Unfortunately, due to other concerns, we were not able to attend this year. I wish I had some pictures for you but I didn't make it. Now then... if ANY of you attended and have some photos, please email them to me! I would be happy to put them on a posting in the future. Send them to me! :)
That's pretty much it for today. Nothing exciting. Consider this an "informational" posting. Thank you for staying with me!
Until next post...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
No huge news today to report. The weather has been absolutely FABulous!! Very low humidity (unusual for this area) and nice cool overnight temps followed by reasonable warm temps during the day. Great sleeping weather.
I was fortunate to be at my aunt's the other day when her next-door neighbor, Susan L., had brought over a little "friend" for a visit. They were already in the den and he was apparently doing just fine. When I arrived, I had my camera handy but that may have spooked him a bit. He growled at me... which is unusual as critters generally know I like 'em and are typically ready to play! But I think he was in a new environment with new people and a camera pointed at him... and he reacted accordingly. I backed off to keep him from stressing and was able to snap a couple of shots using the "zoom" feature. Isn't he cute?!?!? Love the crooked mouth! (Maybe he's a politician?) Please meet Baxter!
When I stepped out on my back porch yesterday, I was walking out to fill the bird feeders (those guys are really eating like crazy these days!) when I just happened to glance at one of my Plumeria plants and caught a glimpse of something unusual there. Closer inspection revealed another little "friend" hanging out, enjoying the breeze rolling through the plants. I didn't want to disturb him but he appeared to be completely unconcerned as I snapped a shot. He remained there the rest of the day. Look closely at the leaf in the center of the picture.
I hope October brings health and happiness to all of you! It's a lovely month, usually, and I am holding out hope for this one!!
Until next post...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Alright. The Update. There is none. After the successful MRI and a doctor visit for an opinion, I have been referred to a neurosurgeon in Alexandria, La. My appointment is October 8th so you won't have to hear any more about it until after that! :)
A little trivia for you to fill your brain with totally useless information!
The Autumnal Equinox will occur on September 22nd this year. The link I have provided will give you LOTS of information about that event. If you are not familiar with the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes or the Summer and Winter Solstices, you might want to do a little catching up! (Remember... this is essentially useless information for most of you!) Thanks to my pal, Adele, for reminding me this one is upon us!
While I like pork as much as the next person, I've got to say that I don't think I could actually sit down and eat at the establishment pictured below. That little piggie is just TOO cute!! I might feel guilty. If you are on Hwy 171 on the north side of Lake Charles and have a need for pork, check it out. Let me know if it's good! Welcome to the Pink Pig BBQ!!
In the interest of dining establishments, my friend, Jo B., felt she had found a blogworthy one in New Orleans. While the photo was difficult to capture and one can't really make out the entire name, I assure you this is the Voo Doo BBQ and Grill!! (I'm guessing they have to do something with all those chickens used in curse-making?)In related news, there are two (count them, TWO!) new restaurants that have opened here in the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to visit them but I will provide a critique once I do! There is a "new" Presley's Barbeque restaurant. Understand there has been one of those in the past but the "new" one is run by the son of the original owner. There is also a new El Giro restaurant offering Mexican food. We'll have to see if it measures up to the Tex-Mex available in Austin! I am VERY hopeful it will!!
So... not a whole lot going on at this point. The Beauregard Parish Fair, reported on previously in this blog, will arrive in October. Hopefully we can get out there to report on this year's for you.
I hope you are all well and having a lovely September.
Until next time...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Please meet Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. He was 52 years old, born in Washington State, and had a Bachelor of Science degree. He had served our country in a lot of places including Germany, Washington State, Washington DC, Texas, and Virginia. He had many awards and decorations. Most devastating for me to learn was his plan to retire upon completion of 30 years of service... at the end of September 2001. After all of his service, he was close to spending more time on his hobbies (fishing, hiking, gourmet cooking, and needlepoint) and especially looking forward to spending more time with his family. SGM Strickland left behind a wife, Debra, who was the Garrison Command Sergeant Major of Fort Belvoir, VA. at the time, three adult children, and one grandson who will never know his grandfather as he was only a year old when SGM Strickland was taken. His parents also were left to deal with the untimely loss of their child.
NOTE: I posted a note to the family at and received two emails.
One was from SGM Strickland's son-in-law and read, in part:
"I came across your blog today while searching for SM Larry Strickland. I am lucky enough to be married to his daughter Julia and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for caring enough to research this remarkable man. Everything you read about him and his character is true. He left behind an amazingly strong wife, a beautiful daughter, his two sons, and his grandson. His grandson was 4, not 1 as many newspaper articles claim, so he does remember his grandfather, and fondly."(I was SO happy to read that his grandson did remember his grandfather and wanted to share that with you all! MNC)
The other email was from SGM Strickland's daughter and read, in part:
"Mary, thank you very much for your kind words. I am Larry's daughter, and it is wonderful to know that though it's been 8 years, remembering him and this tragic event is still as important now as it was the day it happened. He was truly a wonderful man, and the best father anyone could ask for."
SGM Strickland headed out to work that day at the Pentagon as there were some meetings he deemed important enough to attend even though he could have skipped them. He had annual leave built up that needed to be used or lost. He chose to go to work. If you knew nothing more about him than that, you would know the character of the man. It was that character that had him in his office on the second floor when the wing he was in was struck by American Airlines Flight 77.
But this is a tribute to SGM Strickland's life. And I've got to tell you the things said about him and written about him are absolutely glowing!! What a wonderful thing... to have those left behind remember you so well and so lovingly. It's not just family. These were friends, co-workers, people who knew him on a "business" level where, many times, the feelings are not so great. I would suggest you take a few moments today to review three different web sites where there are tributes (and from where I gathered much of the information I am sharing with you). It really won't take that long and, thankfully, most of us did not actually know anyone who was lost that day. Perhaps it would be good to learn about at least one of them. I know it gave me a very new perspective.
Pentagon Memorial Fund - Names of the souls lost at the Pentagon are alphabetical by last name. Scroll down and click on SGM Strickland's name to read about his service career.
Columns - The University of Washington Alumni Magazine- Read a really great article here about SGM Strickland's personal life. Sounds like someone we would all like to have known.
The Washington Post - This project is a database of all of the souls lost that day and has a very nice tribute to SGM Strickland. - This is where folks can leave notes for the family. Many folks were positively impacted by SGM Strickland. Some commented here about their appreciation of the man. I invite you to take just a moment to leave a note here to let the family know the loss of their loved one is something we all remember.
9-11 Heroes - This is another site where a note can be left. Again... take a moment to leave a note on at least one of the sites. You have no idea how much this can mean to family members.
Thank you, SGM Strickland, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.

We should never forget.
On 9/11/2001, Major Milam, who had just turned 33 the month before, was at work at the Pentagon. His wife, Jacqueline, five months pregnant with their second child and an Air Force officer, was also at her job at the Pentagon. Neither had an office in the area where Flight 77 struck that morning. Jacqueline was not terribly concerned immediately after the attack assuming they would connect in the parking lot. Major Milam had been attending a staff meeting that morning... right where the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon.
But this post is a tribute to a man who lived well, with honor and with dedication to his country. His college basketball coach had no doubt Major Milam was a leader and a role model during his years working with him. When Major Milam told his coach he had chosen the military as his career, the coach, who thought Milam should pursue a career in law, told the young man he supported him 100%. Major Milam clearly touched many lives during his own. What a great legacy to leave!! We should all be proud of this young man.
Take a few moments today to visit the sites below. If you can, leave a note for his family at either or at 9-11 Heroes. All of the sites below are links to get you there quickly.
Eastern New Mexico University News Release - Review this page for comments from Major Milam's high school principal and his college basketball coach. This will let you know the caliber of the man we honor today.
Arlington Cemetery Site - If you read nothing else, read this tribute. Major Milam's wife recounts the events of that day and what has kept her going.
Pentagon Memorial Site - This site has a full obituary providing information on Major Milam's life.
The Washington Post - This site has a short remembrance from Major Milam's father about the Major's love of golf.
Legacy.Com - Take a moment and leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
9-11 Heroes - Or you can leave a note for the family here, if you wish.
Thank you, Major Milam, for your service, for your honor, and for your character. I'm glad I got to know you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Okay. I feel like I have been having a "poor, pitiful Pearl" couple of months and today, as I worked on my tributes to two souls who were lost on 9/11/2001, I was a little ashamed. My concerns are really so very nominal in the overall scheme of things, I am truly blessed. I apologize for my wallowing about and hope that most of you recognized the humor I was trying to impart.
So... I am letting you know I am once again participating in Project 2,996. I found this project last year and feel it is truly a mission that is worth participation. You can read about it more thoroughly, if you wish, but know it is the quest of one wonderful individual attempting to find anyone with a web site or a blog willing to post a tribute to one of the 2,996 souls lost on 9/11/2001. The idea is to generate a "blog burst" on 9/11 each year to remind folks of the loss of these innocents and to make certain we never forget that day. It is non-commercial, non-political, and non-invasive (you don't have to read the tributes!). I like that.
Watch for two tributes posted on 9/11 on this blog. There are many souls who do not yet have someone posting tribute to them. This is why I have chosen a second soul to honor. Please take a few moments to read them and perhaps leave a note to the families at the web sites I will provide you in each.
Thanks to all!! You are the BEST Blogging Buddies in the world!! :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Well, the title of this blog is based on the fact that both July and August were not stellar and the current month is "up-in-the-air" in my world. We'll see if it's the month to break the streak of insanity!!
Okay. Some of you have inquired about what has happened since the nightmarish, aborted MRI attempt locally. Let me bring you up-to-speed on that. The spousal-unit drove me down to the "open-air" MRI facility 45 minutes south of here. We entered a BRIGHT, CHEERY environment with a window to the reception desk. The young lady behind it had my paperwork ready to go. After checking a few items on the paperwork and signing it, it was only moments until a woman called me back. I was ushered into a BRIGHT, WELL-LIT room with the machine stationed in such a way that one could actually easily see out of a window which had open blinds. I quickly advised the ladies who were there about my dismal experience the previous week and suggested I was not in the mood for a repeat performance. The tech-gal assured me she would be right there with me in constant communication. I eased myself onto the PADDED "shelf" after tech-gal had LOWERED it to a level that made it easy to climb onboard. A proper padded bolster was gently set under my knees and time was taken to make certain it was comfortable and in the correct place. Tech-gal explained every little thing to me before I was "rolled" into the machine. (I guess she believed me when I said I wanted to know each step of the process.) During the process, a radio was playing in the room (although I was not allowed a selection of music and listened to one that was not my favorite... but hey!) and the configuration of the machine allowed my head to move from side-to-side while under the overhead portion of the unit. I could see out of the window. I could see the wall of the room where I walked into it. Hmmmmmmm. Let's see. Is this really a 180-degree difference from the local experience? Oh yes. It is. Tech-gal popped in on the speaker to tell me each step and how long it would last. She didn't lie. I knew exactly what was going on. That doesn't seem to be a demand that is too difficult to handle and she handled it perfectly. So... want to know the "kicker" about this deal? The cost for "self-pay" was $150 LESS than what I would have had to pay locally. Huh? Isn't that amazing?
Okay. So the first doctor's visit resulted in pretty much nothing. The MRI report, which I obtained a copy of, does not appear to show much difference from the MRI report from 6 years ago. ??? The first doc, who had made the MRI referral, is not a specialist. He had a few suggestions regarding the pain... but I want to know WHY it keeps happening and HOW it can be resolved... IF it can be resolved. If it boils down to pain management, fine. But let's try to "fix" it first. The doc has offered to refer me to an ortho spine guy in the same town where the successful MRI was conducted. I am seeking a second opinion at this point before heading into the world of specialists. A good friend of mine has suggested she had a very similar issue and her doc has apparently figured it out and managed to relieve her situation with a very simple treatment. I'm going to check with him for that second opinion. That is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.
There you have it. You know what I know now... which is essentially nothing, really. Sorry 'bout that!! I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I am able to drive myself short distances now and have resumed my lunch runs to the aunt's house. Still carrying the "Moses stick" just in case I need to part a swamp... but using it less and less. :)
Until the next "General Hospital" update...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Okay. Let me bring you up-to-speed in the most humorous way possible... to keep me from crying. :)
So... Talked to the doc's office and determined they wanted some "imaging" done. Uh-huh. What? An MRI. Okay. An appointment with the local MRI facility was scheduled for Wednesday the 25th of August.
Now then... I will tell you that I have had an MRI before. I went to the Austin Radiological Association in Austin, Texas in December of 2004 (although I would have sworn in a court-of-law it was over 10 years ago but the report told a different story). The room I was taken to was bright, cheery, and gleaming. I was greeted by a chipper young male technician who explained the process and assured me that he would be "with me" the whole time via a headset with which I was fitted. He asked me my music preference as there would be music piped in to me through this same headset. All I asked was that he keep me away from the Christmas music that was filling the air at that time of year!! He laughed and agreed he would do his best. After a few minutes of making certain I was comfortable, the music and microphone were working, the bolster fitted under my knees was properly placed, and that I was in a position I felt I could "hold" for about 30 minutes, he headed into his technician "booth" and pushed the button that carried me into the machine. I simply closed my eyes, focused on the music, and relaxed. He checked with me which required me to only respond with a standard speaking voice reply. He told me I would begin hearing clicks then hammering noises but that was standard and to not worry about it. He was right... and I didn't. The sounds were audible but the music in my ears pretty much muffled them to a point where they were only slightly annoying. Heck... I just about fell asleep in there! My little tech checked in periodically with "Doing okay?" and "We're about halfway through." Nice kid. The experience was not unpleasant and the MRI was successfully completed without incident.
Alright. Since the first MRI was "Lumbar spine, no contrast" and this is the same that was ordered for the new, current MRI, let's compare experiences.
So... I arrive at the local facility, which is in an interior room at the local hospital, at my appointed time. I walk, with the assistance of my "Moses stick" with which some of you are familiar, down a couple of hallways and arrive at the "MRI Suite." Catchy. I walk into a room that can only be described as "bat cave-like" in lighting. I sign a couple of places and am introduced to the technician who ushers me into yet another bat cave-like environment where the machine resides. I asked him about the "music" I was expecting to which he responded, "The music's broke." Huh? Okay. As I am lowering myself to the sheet-covered metal surface (I would swear the Austin experience included a lightly padded surface to lie on!), my tech is scurrying about. He threw a flat padded item similar to a shallow pillow under my legs and up to my butt. He then lifted my legs and jammed some type of pillow (but not a specifically designed bolster as I had been provided in Austin) under my knees. He then shoved some sheet covered pads between my ears and the padded head-holding rests on either side of my head. With a flourish, technician-boy pushed the button that began the slide into the machine. Would have been nice if he had asked if I were comfortable, etc., but apparently that was not in his job description. I guess he figured that I had had an MRI before so there was no need to discuss much although he did mention there would be jack-hammering noises. Huh? Okay.
Perhaps I should have asked for the serial number of the machine at the local facility. That might have given me a clue. (I'm pretty sure it's serial number 1... 10 at the most.)
So... I am "in the hole" with EXTREMELY loud hammering noises going on... without stopping... and I have some discomfort in my lower back (which is what we're trying to "fix!")... and my right leg has begun a very slow slide down the less-than-bolstering pillow... and I try very hard to just deal with it. After all... there is an end. As the discomfort increases and my fear that my right leg is going to "take a header" off of the pillow, I realize we aren't going to finish this thing. So... for some strange reason, I assume the tech is hooked up to HEAR anything that is said in the unit... I simply call out tech-boy's name in a normal tone of voice. No response. I call out again, a bit louder. No response. Okay... I yell out. Now the jack-hammering cranks up again and I know no one could hear anything over all of that... so I wait for it to finish. As I lie there, I am becoming more and more angry. For those of you who only know the "nice" Mary Nell, let me warn you that angry is NOT a good thing to see on me. I feel my blood pressure rising. I am beginning now to feel nauseous (which is a very unpleasant prospect as I cannot turn my head!). I am DONE with this little nightmare. So... I muster up every ounce of anger I am carrying and absolutely BELLOW tech-boy's name from within this little machine. That's when I hear tech-boy's very worried voice saying something like "What's wrong?" I tell him to get me out of there... now. He complies and as I am sliding out of this thing, I note the spousal-unit has burst through the door from the waiting area to see what the hell is happening. *chuckle* Apparently he had heard me a couple of times but said it was very muffled and he wasn't sure it was coming from me. Of course, he is in a separate room and we are separated by a door and walls, so I didn't really expect him to hear me... but tech-boy should have been directly connected to me. Anyway... I get my Moses stick, ball, bat, and glove... and head home. I'm done.
So... now that they have decided I freaked out due to claustrophobia (which is not something that has ever been a problem... although it may have become one with this experience!), it has been suggested that I go to "Open Air MRI" in the nearest town of size... 45 minutes away. Fine. The appointment was scheduled for today (Monday the 30th) for 12:30 p.m. I was up, dressed, and we were heading out... when I got the call that the open-air machine was "down" and they were waiting on the tech and could I reschedule? Sure. Why not? This whole experience has been a Chinese fire drill thus far... why not prolong that? :) So... I am rescheduled for a 1:00 p.m. appointment tomorrow (31st) and rescheduled, yet again, for a visit with the doc to get the report. Sigh.
Alright. Now you have the full report up to this point. Since it has been two full weeks since I have even gotten dressed, much less left the house, I was actually not unhappy to at least get a little ride around town. Amazing how that can help one feel better. The spousal-unit, who has been a TOTAL trooper during this entire mess, was so sweet and took me to the only local place that can make a non-fat Chai latte worth a damn (there are no Starbucks here, folks!) to get one. I cannot even fathom his patience but I cannot tell you how much I appreciate him and how kind he is when he has to take care of me. I'm amazed and totally blessed.
I will hope that things go as planned for the rest of this week and I will get back to you with a report as soon as I know something. What I do know is that whatever the problem is, it is not something that won't improve with time. I am able to do more today than I was able to do last week. For that, I am grateful.
Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure in "This Will Be Funny... Later... Much Later."
Until then...
Monday, August 23, 2010
You probably recall my July post wishing that July was over and hoping that August would show improvement. Unfortunately, I cannot report that to be the case.
A rather unpleasant medical situation caused me to finally seek professional help here. I went to the doc on Friday the 13th (probably not my best decision) and was provided with heavy-duty medications to try to resolve the situation. I began taking them that Friday evening. No problem. No obvious issues. However, by Sunday afternoon, things weren't feeling quite right. Monday morning I began my usual stretching routine... only to have to call the spousal-unit for help getting up. I have been "down" since that Monday (16th) far more than I have been able to be "up." I have not been able to sit for more than 30 minutes and that causes more aches. I can stand but 2 hours is about the maximum before the aches begin. I have not left the house in 8 days and I'm afraid cabin fever is taking its toll. The poor spousal-unit has had to do everything... including helping out with my aunt's meals, etc. He has been such a trooper!!
Now then... what did I do to cause the aches? Hmmmmm? Well... quite honestly... nothing. In fact, while this aching is in an area where I have had problems for the past 20 years, it is NOT the same problem. The ache is different, located in a different area, and has not shown any sign of improvement in the way the other problem generally progresses. That is the problem. The lack of progress.
So... I broke down today and put a call in to the doctor who was the only one who would see me about the initial situation on Friday the 13th and am awaiting his return call. I read carefully through the side effect information about the medication he had prescribed. I have a sneaking suspicion this may be related to the meds but, obviously, I don't have any proof of that.
So... I am so sorry it has been such a long time since a "real" post from me. I appreciate those of you who have stayed with me and promise fun and frivolity in the future. Really!!! Don't give up on me. It's coming.
Until next time... your "gimpy" blogger... signing off.
Friday, July 23, 2010
I have a friend from high school days who leads an interesting life. A recent trip led her to The Latitude Music Festival and she sent me an email providing a fabulous review of same. I asked her permission to share it with you all. She was even kind enough to send photos!! Thank you, Liz!! Without further ado...
"A little background, my daughter finished college and decided to spend 6 months in London before going to grad school. She has never returned for longer than a 2 week visit. I often travel to London to see her and spend time with my two grandchildren. Last month, there was some confusion with holiday schedules and the nanny booked hers a week early. Super Grandma hurried over and (had) quality time with the kiddos. As a treat, my daughter booked us tickets for the Latitude Music Festival and I must say it was an experience. Not one I really want to ever have again, but I did learn a lot. For instance:
1. A music festival in the UK isn't just about music of all kinds for all ages; it also includes art, literature and poetry, theater and film. From Tom Jones to The XX. From Shakespeare to an all male Swan Lake. But even with all the activities, when that many people are in one place,, it is very likely that you will not get to see everything that you circle on your program. I stood in line several hours Saturday morning and did not get into any of the plays or comedy shows I was interested in. Finally in the afternoon I managed to get into one play, but only because I inadvertently used the wrong door to walk into a show that was running overtime and stayed in my seat for the one I wanted to see. It was only later that I learned the line for the show I watched was queued at another door!
2. Music festivals are loud and music festival maps are not always to scale! All the bands started at 3pm and the music continued non-stop until 3am. Even if the map shows you are as far from the stages as possible, it will not be far enough. Sound travels well in the country and even music you like can keep you awake. Foam earplugs do not work.
3. A Yurt might be billed as luxury accommodations, but it's still basically a tent! The photo on the Internet made the yurt look so large, holding up to 2 king size beds, but in actuality, it was pretty full with only 1 king size bed. We ordered 3 additional camp beds which turned out to be very basic air mattresses. Once all the beds were set up, it was wall to wall non-sleeping for everyone! We did share the big bed and I got one night on it - it truly was very comfortable and warm, everything the air mattress was not.
4. People will buy almost anything when you hold them captive for 3 days. Despite the high prices, food and drink vendors sold out of the most popular items by 5pm each day. As one eating establishment noted, "We are in a field, we will run out of stuff." I thought the girl working there was a little heartless when she would laugh and tell us, "No, none of that either!" The Fairy Retail Center was doing a booming business selling Festival Tails, False Eyelashes, Fairy Skirts and Flower Garland for the hair. The Bubble Factory sold so many Giant Bubble Makers (as see in the Book of World Records) that by the last day, the sky was filled with bub bles of all sizes and colors.
5. That "get your freak on" could be meant in a literal sense. I told Jordan that the same children we see in their Halloween costumes, tutus and superman capes all year are probably the same ones that grow up to wear the outfits we saw at the festival. There were many, many hippies and fairies, but at one point I saw a herd of 8 Waldos in striped shirts, black pants and funny glasses. I looked another way and saw a man and woman in 18th century wedding attire, then near the Fairy Retail Center, there was a young woman wearing only artificial flowers for clothing. She needed more flowers as they did not cover as much territory as they should have! Oh, the sheep on the hillside were colored pink, blue, green, yellow, etc. to match the Latitude logo.
6. All of the above mentioned outfits and non-outfits were paired with festival Wellies. You know those rubber boots that kids wear to splash in puddles, well they are regulation festival wear in England. The weather was fine, which means it only rained a little each day. Normally, since the festival was held in a cow pasture, that would result in a mucky mess for footwear. But, it has been a dry summer in the UK so the rain quickly dried up and there were only a few areas that got muddy. The funniest Wellie story was the couple that took their clothes off, but kept the Wellies on to climb one of the light towers. The security guys tried to get them down, but didn't risk touching them above the Wellies. We walked away before they got them down, but they were not there the next morning so I guess someone got tired and gave up.
7. That distances in England are so misleading! I know this as I have driven in England before, but even the GPS said the 5 hour trip should have taken 2-1/2 hours! It wasn't just the festival traffic, that I expected, it was the time it took to get out of London on a Friday. For example, at the 3 hour mark, we stopped for petrol (gas), water and to use the loo (toilet). The traffic was so heavy leaving the gas station that it took us almost 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot, giving my grandson plenty of time to get sick all over himself and his mother. I can't imagine how long the drive would have been if we hadn't had a crazy driver. He was driving up to 100mph in 50mph zones, passing on curves and fiddling with the radio. At one time I thought I would ask him how many people he had killed, including the ones that died of fright in the front seat, but didn't want to upset him!
8. How horrible a refugee camp must smell and look. There were somewhere between 20-40K people at this event, not sure of the number of toilets and trash containers, but it wasn't enough. The event is billed as a "green" venue and there were lots of recycle containers, sitting next to the garbage dropped all over the ground! There were not enough showers, either. With the typical wait for a shower being 30 minutes to 2 hours, it was easier to not bathe and use your time to stand in other lines. There were socio-economic issues, too. The camping areas were sold by area and the more expensive the area, the less congestion. Some camp sites were so close together that you could step from one door into the next tent. We were in an area that you could not set up your own tent, but instead you could rent a tent, a yurt, a tepee, a pod or a caravan. This way the area was laid out neatly with plenty of room between spaces. Doesn't mean you could hear the guy in the yurt next door when he coughed, but at least we didn't hear him breathing.
9. When you get that many people in one spot, it may feel safe, but it still pays to be careful. We forgot to lock our yurt one morning and when we returned, one of our air mattresses was gone. But, that was nothing. I just read that there were 2 rapes in the general admission tent camps. Luckily we were in the high rent district where there were security guards at each entrace so we only had mattress thieves.
Reporting from London, the day after...
I really don't think there is anything at all I could add to Liz's report. Just thought some of you might appreciate a light-hearted yet accurate report from across the pond!! Please let me know if YOU have had an interesting trip or attended an unusual event! I would love to have you as a guest blogger!!
Until next time...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
My last post on July 1st was to tell you about my little R&R to Texas. Good thing I got that out that morning. Things went south for me, physically, at lunch that day and continued to deterioriate. Nothing major, mind you. Just some things that created issues I would rather not be dealing with at this time... or ever.
Unfortunately, things also began deteriorating for my pal, Dude, the second week of July. Now then, for those of you who don't know, Dude was my pal... my buddy... my "I want to be nearby... but don't pick me up!" kitty. He came to us as a "rescue kitty" from a vet's office in Austin. My friend, Anne A., knew we had lost our only kitty several months previously and called me to tell me about this cat that would be "perfect for you and (the spousal-unit)." Quite honestly, I wasn't really up for it. It was 2002 and I had recently (within 24 months) lost my father, my first cousin, and my mother. I just didn't feel like there was a need to bring a pet into the household. I really did not want anything that would need to be taken care of at that point.
Okay. So, I'm such a wuss. I agreed to go see this "perfect" cat with my friend, Anne, as she just wouldn't let it go. Off we went. When we arrived, "Monkey" (the cat's name at that point) was in a small cage in the front office area, hanging out, and quite mellow about the whole thing. She removed him from the cage and set him down. He was interested in things around him but wasn't at all rambunctious or trying to escape. He just wandered about, sniffing and smelling, and finally did a "head-roll" at my feet. Cute. Okay. I'm such a sucker.
So... after providing some information, we loaded him into the carrier and he headed to my house with me. He continued to be quite mellow and not at all concerned as other cats I had owned were when relocated to a new environment. He was pretty much at home right away.
He was renamed "Dude" after consultation with my step-munchkin. He was a very handsome kitty of Maine Coon roots and "Dude" just seemed to be appropriate.
Well, Dude had a bout of illness several years ago in Austin. He was treated extensively and sent home. I was told "Well, he won't ever have that problem again." That was not an accurate statement.
In January and again in February of this year, I took him to a vet to whom I had been referred with my comments that I was noticing the behavior that had led up to the extensive treatment in Austin several years ago. I wanted to "nip it in the bud", if possible. I was provided with medications which I thought were antibiotics. (Sorry... I am totally non-medical and don't know one med from another. I have to trust the medical person with whom I am working.) While he didn't seem to be completely "cured", he did not appear to worsen. When I took him in to that same vet for his annual exam the second week of July, I mentioned that he still wasn't quite right and I thought we needed to revisit treatment. After a cursory exam, I was given more of the same medication I had received previously. This was Thursday the 8th. Dude exhibited a slight reaction to the vaccinations on Friday but did eat and drink. On Saturday, he seemed fine in the morning but things really went south Saturday evening... of course... when there is no place to take him. (This isn't Austin, folks.)
Without further detail, and I apologize for so much already, we took Dude to a second vet on Monday who told us more in the first 5 minutes than we had learned from the first vet in multiple visits. I also discovered that the medication given to Dude was not an antibiotic which was very surprising. At any rate, we began steroid and antibiotic therapy. By Friday the 16th, we saw no improvement. Dude had not eaten since the Friday before. This is always a sign things are not going to end well. We returned him to the second vet who is very kind and very empathetic and very supportive. He gave him fluids, gently suggested that his best chance was a trip to the LSU vet school in Baton Rouge, and we decided to take him home that night. When I had to realize there would be no improvement with basic care, it was time to make the final decision.
Now... those of you who know me well know my thoughts about extreme measures and extraordinary efforts to provide care. Not just to pets, but I think sometimes we go too far with people, as well. Every individual certainly has the right to his/her own opinion and the right to go as far as they choose. But I am not one to push for measures that I don't feel will end in the same quality of life as experienced previously.
So... I had to send the spousal-unit back to the vet with Dude on Saturday morning. I'm such a chicken. I just couldn't go. I didn't want to make a big boo-hoo scene in the vet's office. I'm sure there are those who appreciate that. I did give Dude a good brushing and told him goodbye as I placed him in the carrier. Needless to say, my Saturday sucked.
The remaining kitty, Demon (also named after consultation with the step-munchkin and very appropriately named as we have learned!), does not seem to be overly concerned. I think he knew Dude was not well. Demon is also a "rescue kitty" who was retrieved from a former co-worker when she sent out an email about finding him. She was not able to keep him herself. So we will continue to enjoy a furry friend in the household but I am not considering additional pets. Please don't call me. :)
I wish Dude a very loving farewell and so appreciate the fun and laughs and love he brought into my life. I sure hope all of my pets are waiting to see me again when it's my turn to check out. :)