Friday, May 15, 2009


Okay. This won't be long but I figure you all think I fell into a swamp and got eaten by a 'gator so I'd better take a few moments to type to disprove that theory!

Closing on May 1st went fine. On May 2nd, this is what I saw coming down my new street:
Lord help us. Are those BOTH full of our "stuff?" Yep. Sure are.
Everyone got right to work and things began coming off the trucks and making their way into the house.

The parties adapting most quickly to this move are the "boyz." Demon and Dude could care less about the pandemonium that is the interior of the house right now. They only have eyes for the new squirrels and birds that occupy the yard!

What I have learned this time around is:
1) I'm way too old to move, and
2) I'm way too old to move.

While it has been nearly two weeks and I could have had this whole place whipped into shape by now were I much younger and had not collected so much "stuff", the reality is:

Oh... and did I mention that my aunt's garage (see remains about half-full? Sigh.

Until next time, Blogging Buddies!! Hang with me!

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