Monday, September 6, 2010


Howdy, Blogging Pals!!

Well, the title of this blog is based on the fact that both July and August were not stellar and the current month is "up-in-the-air" in my world. We'll see if it's the month to break the streak of insanity!!

Okay. Some of you have inquired about what has happened since the nightmarish, aborted MRI attempt locally. Let me bring you up-to-speed on that. The spousal-unit drove me down to the "open-air" MRI facility 45 minutes south of here. We entered a BRIGHT, CHEERY environment with a window to the reception desk. The young lady behind it had my paperwork ready to go. After checking a few items on the paperwork and signing it, it was only moments until a woman called me back. I was ushered into a BRIGHT, WELL-LIT room with the machine stationed in such a way that one could actually easily see out of a window which had open blinds. I quickly advised the ladies who were there about my dismal experience the previous week and suggested I was not in the mood for a repeat performance. The tech-gal assured me she would be right there with me in constant communication. I eased myself onto the PADDED "shelf" after tech-gal had LOWERED it to a level that made it easy to climb onboard. A proper padded bolster was gently set under my knees and time was taken to make certain it was comfortable and in the correct place. Tech-gal explained every little thing to me before I was "rolled" into the machine. (I guess she believed me when I said I wanted to know each step of the process.) During the process, a radio was playing in the room (although I was not allowed a selection of music and listened to one that was not my favorite... but hey!) and the configuration of the machine allowed my head to move from side-to-side while under the overhead portion of the unit. I could see out of the window. I could see the wall of the room where I walked into it. Hmmmmmmm. Let's see. Is this really a 180-degree difference from the local experience? Oh yes. It is. Tech-gal popped in on the speaker to tell me each step and how long it would last. She didn't lie. I knew exactly what was going on. That doesn't seem to be a demand that is too difficult to handle and she handled it perfectly. So... want to know the "kicker" about this deal? The cost for "self-pay" was $150 LESS than what I would have had to pay locally. Huh? Isn't that amazing?

Okay. So the first doctor's visit resulted in pretty much nothing. The MRI report, which I obtained a copy of, does not appear to show much difference from the MRI report from 6 years ago. ??? The first doc, who had made the MRI referral, is not a specialist. He had a few suggestions regarding the pain... but I want to know WHY it keeps happening and HOW it can be resolved... IF it can be resolved. If it boils down to pain management, fine. But let's try to "fix" it first. The doc has offered to refer me to an ortho spine guy in the same town where the successful MRI was conducted. I am seeking a second opinion at this point before heading into the world of specialists. A good friend of mine has suggested she had a very similar issue and her doc has apparently figured it out and managed to relieve her situation with a very simple treatment. I'm going to check with him for that second opinion. That is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.

There you have it. You know what I know now... which is essentially nothing, really. Sorry 'bout that!! I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I am able to drive myself short distances now and have resumed my lunch runs to the aunt's house. Still carrying the "Moses stick" just in case I need to part a swamp... but using it less and less. :)

Until the next "General Hospital" update...

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