Monday, October 11, 2010


Heidy-Ho, all!!

My friend, Jo B., attempted to locate information for Louisiana election races. She followed the instructions at the web site I provided in the last post and got nothing! I went to the site and attempted to locate candidate info for Louisiana. Nothing. The only assumption I can make is that Louisiana did not participate in the candidate information gathering process. I don't know whether that is a local process (the Louisiana League of Women Voters main organization is in Baton Rouge) or a national one (which I doubt since it would be rather daunting!).

I did find some very pathetic information (name, rank, and serial number, basically!) on Louisiana candidates at the Louisiana Secretary of State web site but I don't suggest you waste your time there.

My apologies to my Louisiana pals. I was trying to be helpful and have probably generated more frustration than anything else. So much for good intentions.

I still urge you to educate yourself on these candidates before voting!!! Nearly every candidate will have his/her own web site with information although it will obviously be slanted based on his/her opinions. You can at least get an idea of a given candidate's background, typically on an "About Me" page on the web site. If the candidate is a current elected official, you can locate their voting record online (web sites depend on whether it is federal or state). Type the candidate's last name and "voting record" into your search engine (EX: "Vitter voting record") and do a little scanning. You shouldn't have any trouble finding the place you can obtain the information.

Whatever you do... VOTE!!

Until next post...

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