Monday, February 28, 2011


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!! Hope this post finds you all well.

We are still working to complete the "final touchup" on the bathroom work. There will be photos and explanations in the near future. There will also be an assessment of the vendors selected to do the jobs.

In the meantime, I wanted to share something with you all that really struck me. No... it wasn't a lightning bolt although we do get some healthy ones around here. :)

I was completing my morning walk the other day. The street I was walking on dead-ends into another street. I have met and chatted with the folks in the last house on the right as I walk as well as the folks who live across the second street and one house down. (Don't worry... it isn't important that you see this in your head.) Both couples are retired and enjoy working in their yards. That's how I met them! The gentleman in the last house on my right had explained he had been maintaining the yard across from him as the owner had passed away and the house had been placed on the market. Don't think this is a postage-stamp-sized lot. This is a good 1/2 to 3/4 of an acre with a lot of trees, shrubs, plants, etc. He has been mowing the lawn and maintaining all of those plants... without pay... just to keep it looking nice. I say there is a local Realtor that owes him big-time!

At any rate... as I was approaching the end of the street I was walking on, I saw both couples out working in a different yard!! I stopped to chat and found that the house's owner was in the hospital in Houston and there wasn't anyone to do the yard... so these two couples had decided to do just that. They had coordinated their schedules and were out leaf-raking, leaf-blowing, and mowing. It was a well-oiled machine-like team. When I went by later in the day, I saw a very nicely manicured yard. These folks, with their own yards and their own issues (one of the ladies has very bad knees), had acted in the very best meaning of "Love Thy Neighbor" and the Golden Rule. With no thought other than how the owner of this home would wish he could take care of the yard but could not, they selflessly spent their morning allowing the owner to have one less thing to worry about. These are the truly good neighbors we all wish we had.

The next time you think one of your neighbors could use a little help, remember that doing something they aren't able to do at that time is the best thing you can do for them... and for others who witness your attitude. I always heard that our actions speak much louder than our words. They do.

Until next post...

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