Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals.  Welcome back!

Some of you are aware of my morning walks.  I had walked while in Texas with a neighbor who was a friend.  Once I relocated here, I found myself less motivated to walk without a friend with whom to chat.  That was a mistake.  I began my morning walks again near the end of 2010 and have been consistent with them.  Good idea.

There are plenty of things to see when walking.  I have become more observant as I began walking earlier and earlier during the summer.  With the days getting shorter, I am starting a bit later now.  However, I wanted to share with you some of the things one sees while walking early in the day.
The early walker sees the moon!!  Very pretty.
The sun beginning to reach the edge of the horizon makes for lovely clouds.
Some mornings show no sun... but even the fog can be pretty!
AHA!!!  One of the many "golf eggs" one finds at random places along the golf course!  These are very sneaky and difficult to wrangle... but with stealth, one can capture them for use as targets at the range!
GOT IT!!!  Clearly a Halloween "golf egg."
Spotted this growing from a neighbor's tree.  Thought it was interesting.
Another view.
Hope you can make out the rainbow which was the object of my camera.  Lovely to see.  Hard to capture.

So... if you have been considering walking as a way to reach (or maintain) a fitness level, I encourage you to consider a walk through your neighborhood.  Pay attention and see what you can find!!

Some things coming up that will likely be blog-worthy!  Stay tuned!  And thank you for sticking with me.

Until next post...

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