Saturday, November 30, 2013


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!!

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving... and did not overindulge any more than you planned.  :)  (Yes, planning one's overindulgences can be beneficial.)

Well, I haven't been terribly busy so I don't have a whole lot to share... but I figured this would be a good time to show you a few random pictures.

First of all, my personal trainer did a BIG reno/expansion at her studio, Sculpture Training.  After spending some time training at a different location (believe it or not, we were working out in my old second grade classroom!), she had a wonderful grand re-opening.  You can visit the "old" studio here so you can compare a little bit.  :)

I know many of you are fans of some of the signs I run across (and others send to me), so I want to share one my friend, Debbie J., sent to me recently.

Finally, I have culled through some of my early-morning walk photos and thought you might enjoy seeing them.  A couple of sunrises, some low fog, and a beautiful moonset make that walk less daunting!

That's really all I have for you today.  I did make a run to the Alexandria Zoo with my friend, Charlotte B., recently.  While she was there to take really good photos, I snapped a few with my phone that I will share with you all soon.

Until next post...

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