Friday, February 20, 2009


Welcome back!!

Well, our neighbor was wondering how the third day of pine tree cutting would go. Why?

Day One I have already shared with you. That saw the demise of one of the Camellia shrubs... but it's hard to avoid some collateral damage when one is felling such tall trees. Susan L. took the news fairly well and we agreed it was better to hit the shrub than the house.

Day Two (Thursday) started well. It was a beautiful day... until the wind picked up. That is what resulted in the demise of a section of the fence. OOPS!!! A pesky gust of wind hit just about the time the tree was felled. The damage was NOT due to the entire tree (trunk) falling on the fence. This damage was simply due to the LIMBS of the tree hitting the fence. Remember... I told you these trees are soft but not light!
The photo was taken after the tree limbs were removed and the best attempt at "straightening" the fence had taken place. :)

Today (Friday) was the third day of cutting. All held our collective breaths waiting for what it might bring!! After all, Days One and Two had seen less-than-perfect cutting days... actually, felling days.

The good news. Third Day was indeed the charm. It went without a hitch and the fence guy even showed up and repaired the damaged fence area (to the relief of five little dogs who have not had the opportunity to hit the back yard for a day!). It's all good.
Finally, I apologize to the Louisianans who are familiar with the next item but I just had to share it with those who may have no idea what they are looking at!!! :)
Need a different angle? Try this:

Nope. Not an anal-retentive or even creative dog. (I know how some of you are!) These are sprinkled all over the yard. They are "crawfish chimneys" or "crawfish hills." Yep. Those little guys are so ubiquitous, they set up housekeeping everywhere! When I was a kid, we would beg my mother for a little piece of bacon and a length of string to tie around it so we could drop it down the hole. We would pull it up EVER so slowly, hoping to see the crawfish reach the top and become our pet!! Don't ever believe those little crustaceans aren't smart... or at least prepared to survive. They would hang onto that bacon all the way up... until they saw two little kid faces staring down at them!! That's when they would let go and my brother and I would sigh loudly, determined to try again. We did... for a while.

So, pardon a moment of regression but the newly built "chimneys" made me chuckle.

Until we meet again...

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