Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hello, Blog Buddies!! Thanks for stopping by.

Well, I am still in Texas for the time being. Scheduled departure back to Louisiana is Friday, February 6th. Speaking of which... where did January go? Any of you with the answer to that, please enlighten me!!

While crime is literally everywhere, I am reminded of the difference in a small town (Louisiana) and the big city (Austin, Texas). The day after I returned to Texas, the spousal-unit went to obtain something I had indicated an interest in. It was not available at the usual store he frequented so he had them contact another, relatively near-by, store. It was available there. He headed over to retrieve this ONE item. After parking his vehicle in the middle of the day fairly near the store, he went inside. Upon returning to his vehicle, in fairly short order, he found it broken into and his laptop gone. Thank you, criminal element. Appreciate your interest in things for which you did not pay.

So... this set off the chain of events including contacting the insurance company, taking the vehicle to a repair facility... all of the fun things we had been looking forward to during my short time here. NOT!!!!! The only thing that keeps me from blood pressure through the roof is my belief in Karma. I know, in my heart, this or these individual(s) will have something in the future that s/he values. I also know, in my heart, that valued item will suffer a loss of some type. Whether or not the individual(s) will correlate previous misdeeds with the bad luck s/he or they seem to be suffering is moot. My only regret is I will not be able to witness the loss felt by the presently criminal element.

Getting back to my original comment... the City of Austin Police Department provided a case number over the phone. They do not have the time nor the interest to spend checking out the scene, obtaining the surveillance video tape from the store (guess that's only handy in cases of kidnapping, bodily harm, and/or murder?), as this is a big city and there are more important crimes to investigate. Uh-huh. I'm actually guessing at this, but I would bet a fairly substantial sum that the small-town Louisiana police department would show up, look around the scene, bust out the fingerprint kit (which may have not been used in years), check for surveillance tape availability (probably discovering they know the perpetrator(s) from high school!), and check back with us later to let us know if they have had any luck. Do I know this to be a certainty? No. I just know there are some very great differences between big cities and small towns and I'm willing to bet this is one of them.

So... that's it for now. We are still waiting for the vehicle to be repaired so we can have our own separate vehicles again (that's a whole 'nother blog post!).

Until the next exciting, stimulating sharing of information...

1 comment:

SW Austin Bubba said...

I feel your pain.. OK I'm not doing my Bill Clinton impression but I have been there and done that and I agree 1000% with your assessment. Should have told them 12 boxes of doughnuts were taken! I bet they would have showed up then!

As far as the perps having any remorse... don't count on it. Even if things go bad for them in the (hopefully near future) they will just blame "society" and want an Obama handout to help them. These types never take credit for their deeds or misdeeds.

A pox upon them!