Sunday, February 22, 2009


Welcome back!

Well, things are winding down for this trip to Louisiana. Let me update you on a few things.

The pine tree felling next door continued on Saturday. We apparently reached the point where guiding the fall became a bit more critical. So... we watched the worker lift himself in the bucket to attach a rope which was then attached to the scoop of the Bobcat which was "in place" to guide the falling tree.
That one worked out pretty well. The next photo, however, is what I call "The Steel-Toed Boot Tester" tree. Understand it was NOT the tree doing the testing. However, while one worker was sawing this tree, the other had the Bobcat scoop pushed up against it to guide its fall. Let's just mention here that a Bobcat driver has difficulty seeing what is directly in front of the machine, especially if it is on the ground. Uh-Huh. The Bobcat's track caught the worker's foot albeit briefly. The bad news: It obviously hurt!! The good news: The worker had his steel-toed boots on. It could have been much worse. They both took a good long break before returning to continue the work.

Little Bit Update! The little dog adopted by Carolyn is doing well. Carolyn has adjusted to a demanding four-legged critter that insists on attention. Little Bit has settled in to the new location and new routine. All is well.

Mardi Gras Update! In case you live in a cave somewhere, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is this coming Tuesday. That means all festiveness and frivolity reserved for those who have only a 2-day weekend to revel has taken place this weekend. There were parades and chicken runs and galas. I'm glad this part of the world found SOMETHING to do between major holidays!! :)

Cultural Search Update! Remember the dinner and play evening we scheduled? Well, it was a hoot. Dinner was less-than-stellar... but we weren't going for dinner. It was edible and what one would expect from a community theatre group. It provided time to meet and greet one's tablemates (the four of us were at an 8-topper). The play was hilarious. There was a large cast, nine in all. There were two "standout" performers who kept the audience in stitches!! I must tell you that both of them had me nearly falling out of my seat with laughter. While neither had a particularly "large" part, they certainly received the most laughs. I hope to see either or both of them in future productions.

I leave Louisiana on Monday the 23rd to return to Texas for a short while. Bills to pay, things to do... you know the drill. Unless something exciting happens in Texas, there may be several days between this post and the next.

Until then...

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