Hello again, Blogging Pals!! I KNOW you have all been waiting anxiously for the post on Gatorama 2009!!! Well, here it is.
First of all, there was signage. You can see it below. It was placed on a street that had been blocked off so I'm not certain how much "reach" (advertising term... trying to use my Marketing degree!) it generated but it was a very lovely sign. Based on how GOOD the sign is, I'm willing to bet my high school buddy, Joey, (of "Goober Art" fame... see previous post
http://louisianatown.blogspot.com/2008/12/goober-folk-art.html) might have done it. Don't know that. Just guessing.

Okay. I know you are all very intelligent adults. Here lies my confusion. The signage (previous photo) clearly indicated "cars, trucks, and motorcycles." Directly alongside the sign we found the following "vehicles", none of which appeared to match the indicated items. ??? Well, it IS Louisiana! :)

While we were strolling the street, the spousal-unit (who had joined me for the festivities!) said I should take a picture of the folks across the street from us. I was too far to get a good photo that would give you people detail so I decided to include the building as the focus. You can't read it in the photo but the top area in white has "1920" and the one below it says "First National Bank" which it remains to this day. Some VERY nice old buildings in this town.

This car was a hoot! The small Louisiana on the front fender reads:
CSI! Get it? And it continues. The FBI reads:
Federal Bureau of Intoxication
There clearly was a sense of humor during the restoration of this vehicle. Ya' gotta' love those Cajuns!!

I don't even know what to tell you about this one except it was a pink truck... more like a Pepto Bismol truck... and I just couldn't believe it! So... took a photo so you could all share the queasy moment with me. You're welcome.

Again, my interest in the little truck below was due to the beautifully lettered "name" on the door which is "One Ugly Truck." I couldn't argue that, could I? We all discussed it when we returned home and shared the photos with my aunt. It was determined the truck had all the charm of a snorting Pekingnese or a drooling Persian. After all, it has the same nose!!

Finally, I gotta' tell you that we simply could not pass this one up. This is a 1971 Mercury Comet (same as a Ford Maverick for those who remember!) that has been purchased by a young man who hopes, some day, to be able to restore it. We're wondering if he plans to keep the paint job?!?!?

I have a few more photos that I will try to get to you tomorrow. Right now, I've probably overextended my welcome and I want you to come back!!
Until next time!!
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