Saturday, December 6, 2008


Alrighty. First of all, I DID attend "Miracle on Washington" today and took some photos I think you might enjoy. Unfortunately, I am photo-download-challenged right now due to my FlashCard being 128 mb and the software only recognizing up to 32 mb. Sigh. I have potential resolution coming on Monday and hope to get the pics and the details to you then. Stay tuned!

Now then. Today, I thought I would be smart and check out the local rag's web site in order to get more detail on the timing of the parade (it was held at 10:00 a.m.) as well as other festivities related to the "Miracle on Washington" event. Let me tell you what I found online.

"News" tab - The most recent story was dated 11/28/2008 and was about Black Friday (which was 11/28/2008)! Hardly significant on Saturday, 12/06/2008, eh?

"Sports" tab - Dated 12/02/2008, we found that the DeRidder Dragons won something.

"Lifestyle" tab - Dated 12/03/2008, the first story was about paintballing... but not locally, apparently.

"Entertainment" tab - This was the most current date of 12/05/2008 and provided some information about what Timothy Hutton is doing these days. Do I care? Ask me.

"Opinion" tab - This went back to 11/17/2008 (oldest date) and provided absolutely zero. I did note that the Guestbook could be accessed from this page but it showed a date of 6/18/2008 at 6:14 a.m. CDT. Huh?

"State" tab - a 12/04/2008 article about a deadly auto accident in Baton Rouge, I believe?

"Obituaries" tab - Apparently no one has died since 11/27/2008. Good news, I say!!!

Oh... and when I tried to pull up the "Guestbook" (yes, the one showing a date of 6/18/2008), I got a spinning wheel indicating "Loading Commenting Interface..." which apparently continued spinning for at least 2 hours. (I left it spinning, entertained a guest with my aunt, ate lunch, then checked back... still spinning.)

So... while I did provide a link to this little rag for those of you who might be interested, I would suggest that perhaps you check my blog for the more recent news. :)

Thanks for playing!! Drive through, please?

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