Sunday, December 28, 2008


Howdy, all! I apologize for the lag in posts but things got a little busy.

I returned to Austin on December 23rd. The trip was less tedious than usual (it's a six hour drive, folks) due to having my spousal-unit with me. He had flown into the Lake Charles Regional Airport on Friday the 19th and helped get some things done around my aunt's house before we drove back to Austin together on the 23rd.

I simply vegged on Christmas Eve and Christmas. The Ron-Man made a marvelous venison Christmas chili for dinner along with some amazing "cowboy biscuits" from the new cookbook. It was wonderful... and peaceful.

Now then... back to the Louisiana scene. I will be returning to Louisiana on January 2nd at which time we will re-evaluate the need for my continued presence there. My aunt has recovered fully from the pneumonia/pleurisy issue but has been left in a weakened state requiring 24/7 assistance. There are three very wonderful ladies who are providing that assistance and I am grateful to all of them.

Okay. My "old" friends. I believe I committed to providing photos and reporting on the "catch-up" of high school pals approaching 38 years past graduation. We had a lovely lunch at Susan S.' home. Susan and Jo were kind enough to allow me to capture them on digital (guess we don't have film anymore, do we?) so I could share them with you all. That's Susan S. on the left and Jo on the right.

They both look FABulous (which I find highly irritating but will allow to pass since they are good friends) and we had a great time trying to catch up with a limited lunch time available to us. The best thing is that both seem very happy and very content with their lives. I like to hear that! I left with promises that we will get together again in January. I look very forward to that!

Oh.... and Susan S. has a couple of "babies" of her own who allowed me another "pet fix" since my fat cats remain in Austin while I travel.

That's all for this round. Stay tuned. There is information on "Goober Folk Art" coming soon!! You simply cannot miss this!! It's another high school buddy who has found his artistic niche in artwork that I really like. Maybe I'll be able to say "I knew him when..." some day?

Until the next time...

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