Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ah, blog-reading pals. You are in for a little treat. The local park (West Park named after the West family which was prominent here in years past) has begun to be decorated with festive lights, blow-up thingies, and all things Christmas. While the night brings the most impressive appearance (with the lights and all), I wanted you to see just a snippet of the Christmas that awaits!!

Only in Louisiana does Santa go fishing in a johnboat with an elf that catches a bigger fish!! :)

There are other fun things in the park. There is a very cool area where young'uns can climb on some sculpture items representing various things (arches in Utah, giant heads on Easter Island...).

And, actually, there are some parts of the park that are just plain pretty (is that an oxymoron?).

So, there are places of beauty wherever you may travel. Sometimes they show up unexpectedly. Always be ready!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, would you be willing to give up your Small Town for a Hill Country community full of super charged red necks, shady Sheriffs, a judge that has a dressed up female manikin in his pool room (in holiday dress at this time)?
Of course we will have the occasional rock star(Ted Nuggent) coming through at the Super S (grocery store) and the Twist Top Rodeo aaand the Welcome Hunters Dinner.
I'll save you a J Eagle news paper, it only comes out once a week. You should check out the police blotter. There are all sorts of police activity's, loose live stock, loose husbands, bumper on truck loose, deer running loose in town, wife running loose in town. It is just a hub of information. Sorry I don't have pictures for you but it is such a fast moving pace.